Chapter I

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         "Surviving and hiding in Sweden"
(December 3rd, 1939)

[A/n: this a similar but different version of Aleekillzzz experimental book with SMS Kaiser.]

It was late in the afternoon as Library was busy with people coming and going with books either rented them or buying them, or looking at them, the Librarian walked around putting books where they go. He had brown hair, and navy blue eyes, he also had a work bread. His hands were rough like he used to work with metal.

This is SMS Kaiser, now to explain after what happened after the Imperial German navy, and Prussia empire fell, his sisters where scrapped, and cousins the Koing-class, and Bayern-class where also scrapped. This is where Kaiser  faked his own death, and escaped to Swedish nation, and they open arms when he came. But enough of that. (Plus I would probably brood you to death maybe?)

Kaiser pov
As I walked home after I closed my library, it was dark but the lights from the town helped, most of time here I've been lonely... well somewhat lonely. I miss being at the ocean killing the siren with my sisters, but that was long ago... once I reach my house I pulled the house keys, and unlocked the door. As I walked in I turned on the lights, I look up at the clock showing it was now 7:30, luckily I still had time before bed. After dinner I went upstairs and took a shower, then changed to some shorts. I had a perfect six pack, and serious muscle in my arms, and legs and headed of to bed ready for what's to come.

(Time skip brought to you by:


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(Three weeks later)
As Kaiser walked around his library was quite due to kids at school, and people are at work, he was quietly reading an old German book from the late 19th century. The book "Bismarck: a life" by Jonathan Steinberg. Was I good for the life of Otto von Bismarck the iron Chancellor of Prussia during his life. He had personally would have love to meet him, but that was not to come. He died in 1898. But He did meet his much later successor Georg Friedrich, Graf von Hertling during the end of the First World War. But after the war- Kaiser thoughts where interpreted by a young woman in a American naval uniform. She had blonde hair, and green eyes, she also had a naval commander cap on walked in through his doors.

 She had blonde hair, and green eyes, she also had a naval commander cap on walked in through his doors

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???: your a hard man to find these days Kaiser?

Kaiser: well ma'am, after what happened back in 1918, I chose to tune down and try and live a simple life, well at least tried.

???: true. I'm Amelia Armstrong, of Azur lane, and Master Chief petty officer of the navy.

Kaiser: well it nice knowing that's Eagle Union doing good, how about the others.

Amelia: that's the thing Kaiser you should probably turn on that old radio

Kaiser: alright.

As he walked to early 20's radio, and tuned it and turned to volume up a bit.

Radio: "breaking news, Azur lanes commander, Chester Herman, has died, this has marked the 10th commander this year that have died. The Higher ups have started the complaints to the grand Admiral about these deaths. While the Kasen's might be in danger, are we going to lose the soldiers that guards us from the sirens?"

Kaiser: so they started killing these "commander's" because of...

Amelia: well because most of them are either perverts, or just plain abusers.

Kaiser: well Scheisse! Maybe it's time to out of hiding. Jawol?

Amelia: agreed, so the question is will you be coming the new commander of azur lane. *pulls hand out*

Kaiser: I'm a Field commander, I live and serve to fight at sea, and not in some stupid chair. I accept. *grabs her hand and shakes it*

Amelia: I'll wait for you, and the southwest dock darling.

Kaiser shivered in fear, as he watched her walked out the door with a smile of victory on her face.

Kaiser: *sigh* (in Swedish) varför har jag en dålig känsla av detta.


Old Kaiser of Azurlane Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu