Chapter IV

778 15 9

(Near the Azur Lane base)

(January 12th 1940)

Kaiser pov

As I, King Arthur, Jeanne d'Arc, and Prinz Eden where getting close to the base I open a 1856 red wine bottle and pour myself a glass as I watched from my command center. I could smell something absolutely disgusting. I wanted to burn everything of that made smell as we closer to the base, so I got my gas mask and put it onto my face.

As we got closer my ship stood back waiting for when Master Chief Amelia would signal me to start moving

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As we got closer my ship stood back waiting for when Master Chief Amelia would signal me to start moving. So I wait...

Kaiser: Gott bewahre vor ihrer feindlichen Absicht gegen mich, also bitte Gott, beschütze mich vor ihren sündigen Wegen. (god save from there hostile intent against me, so please god protect me, from their sinful ways.)

3rd POV
(Just 30 minutes before Master Chief Amelia arrived)
Azur Lane

3rd POV (Just 30 minutes before Master Chief Amelia arrived)Azur Lane

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Wales: Illustrious, are you sure they gonna come with a new commander. *she said angrily*

Illustrious: yes wales, Master Chief Amelia said that he is different and she has full trust in him. *she said in a depressed tone.*

Enterprise: have they arrived?

Wales: Oh, there you are Enterprise, there almost here, you can see them off the distance.

"Hopefully this one dies soon." Then came a blonde woman with a German uniform, this was Bismarck.

Enterprise: well sense Amelia she put all her trust we'll give this male "Human", a bit of hope surviving this port.

Bismarck: Tsk, I give a week max.

Wales: Hopefully he'll be a bit useful.

(Author: Girls Kaiser is going to put you all through Hell before you become normal.)

Then as they saw Jeanne d'Arc, KMS Prinz Eden, and HMS King Arthur arrived and went to their ports as Master Chief Amelia raised her
flare gun into the air and fired it to the air, as it reached its climax another warship horn blared in the only entrance of the docks a battleship took from as A turret raised high

Then as they saw Jeanne d'Arc, KMS Prinz Eden, and HMS King Arthur arrived and went to their ports as Master Chief Amelia raised herflare gun into the air and fired it to the air, as it reached its climax another warship horn blared in the only en...

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(A/n: I tried showing what turrets is from A to X and Y on SMS Kaiser to give a better image of I'm trying to say to you the reader.)

(A/n : just to let you know C & B turrets are and be under the B turret section

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(A/n : just to let you know C & B turrets are and be under the B turret section. Like the Iowa class with a A, B & Y turret)

As it was older looking battleship as it entered into Azur Lanes dock and headed towards one the non used docks as it docked Master Chief Amelia put a plank down and climbed abroad and yelled something in German, it making Bismarck and some other ship-girls except (Prinz Eden) we're as pale as a ghost as she shakily looked up to see the him coming out.

Bismarck, Wales and Illustrious and many other German, and British ship-girls shaked in fear after all the German plus the British people keep his name under lock and key. As the other ship-girls didn't know him at all.

Amelia: (in German)FRANZ VON HIPPER get down here!!!

As he got into the deck of his and looked at the area and then the ship-girls then he began to speak...

As he got into the deck of his and looked at the area and then the ship-girls then he began to speak

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