Blow it out

252 9 2

Beware of danger puddy. It goes boomies out and in your body.

"Where's my c4?" Where'd I put it again? Last place I remember putting it was a fridge, but which one? Did someone take it thinking it was food? I had a note on it!

"No. No! NOOOOO!"

"Shut up!" Yelled a woman's? voice.

"Fuck you!"

"Fuck you!"

"Fuck you, where's my c4?!"

"C4? Why are you looking in a fridge?!"

"It was the last place I put it!"

I finally looked out the fridge and looked behind me. Dark purple and green armor was seen, argument engaged.

"I had a note on it. I'll know who took it, they'll be in the medbay."

I couldn't see her face, but I knew she was confused, "Why would they be in the medbay!?"

"Because they thought it was cake!"

"Why would cake look like c4?"

"Why can cake look like a table?"

I knew I won by her silence. I'm not wrong, cake is weird.

"I'm gonna choke slam whoever's in the medbay now," and with that I started to walk off.

I'm not sure if she was following me or not, but when I walked in the medbay I saw the culprit. Yellow and black armor, Wash you're a fucking idiot.


"A-Al?" He sounded weak, oh I can fucking wonder.

"Did you eat something with my name on it?"


"That's it. You're fucking dead," I tried to move towards him but I felt my feet leave the ground. Someone was holding me, sounded like a bear, "Maine, let me go."

He only growled again, wait.. I speak bear. Growling at him I managed to confuse him before trying to rip his arms off me.. you don't need a degree to know how that went.

So there we were, Maine holding me in the air while Wash was watching completely dumbfounded. If I walked in and saw that I'd lose my shit, but since I'm being held like some barstool at the local Waffle House I don't feel like laughing.

It started to go down hill as soon as Lou and York walked in, they were talking about something before seeing me and Maine. I could tell Lou was laughing, and York was just staring before he started to chuckle.

"Ay ay ay, Lou you can go suck a dick. York you can go do something, not sure yet."

They looked at me before they started walking away, "HEY! WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU TWO GOING!?"

"Training room, we got a new agent. Also Maine, you're testing the newbie with me and Wyoming."

Maine didn't say anything as he followed them both, still carrying me, to the training room. Now the main thing I know about this room is the Carolina practically lives here, always training to remain the best. Me personally I could care less, CQC is not my specialty unlike explosives. Doesn't help that it ranks us mainly by our CQC performances.

"Maine, please put me down."

I felt myself being lowered before saying thank you and going to the observation deck. I saw North and South, Carolina, and a couple others.

Looking into the room I saw York, Maine and Wyoming against another agent in black armor, damn emos in space.

"Lou, what's up with the Emo?"

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