If in doubt

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New story, different ideas. This starts with you. That's right, your disgusting, unmotivated ass is essentially the main character. How do you feel about jets and explosives? You love them.

Alaska's POV

I just got done with setting a few charges to blow this sucker sky high, no, space high. Is that a thing? It should be.

"That should be enough," as I looked at the 20 charges of explosives at the base of giant ass pillar, I realized I still had a couple charges left. I payed for fifty, I'm using all fifty, "But where?"

"Alaska, you good?" Asked my partner in crime, better known as Louisiana.

"Yeah I'm all set, but I got a couple charges left. What should I use them for?"

He didn't hesitate and responded with, "The armory."

"I could make a big boom with that. Let's do it."

"Get your fat ass up here then."

"Already on my way up," I responded while carefully making my way to the railing. I noticed a guard, but before he noticed me he was pushed off by none other than Louisiana. His armor consisted of mainly white with a purple line in the center of his helmet alongside a gold visor. He gave a wave before reaching down to help me up.

"Took you long enough."

"Well I'm sorry, I had to climb from hell to get here."

"When has hell been frozen?"

I looked him in the visor with my own, "Since the state of Alaska had to do the dirty work."

He just nodded before we started making our way to the outpost's armory. On our way we encountered a few light patrols, consisting of 3 to 4 people. We easily avoided them before we saw the door to the greatest firework show this planet has to offer, but one thing stood in our way. A single innie was sitting in a foldable chair, probably spaced out, at the other side of the room looking out the window. Louisiana just nodded at me before he crept his way to the innie. He was right behind him before the innie stood and looked back, seeing me flicking him off and Lou with a knife near his throat.

"Morning!" I greeted before Lou shoved the blade into his throat and pulling him down softly.

I started setting the charges as soon Lou gave me the all clear. I put them with the heavy weapons, the explosives, and even in a fridge. Don't eat c4, it gives you the shits unlike anything else, so I put a note on it before leaving the little break room.

When I walked back into the break room me and Lou immediately started towards extraction. He called, and I got my little special firecracker out. We continued until we were a good distance away before I even went to blow it up.


"Sure Alaska, make it go boom."

I smiled under my helmet before pressing down, "Clicky clicky go boomies," and it went up like the 4th of July, wait? What's the 4th of July?

We felt the shockwave from where we were before our pelican arrived, alongside my favorite taxi driver, Echo 479er.

"You know 479er, I love my job."

"Because you make things go boom?"

Me and Lou looked at each other before saying in synch, "Because we make shit go boom."

"Just get on already."

"Yes ma'am!" We both said before sitting down in the back.

The ride back was quiet, I was asleep the entire time, Lou was upside down asleep, and Echo was being the best taxi pilot. When I awoke I noticed I was hugging a charge of c4, and feeling disappointed in myself tried to eat it. Lou watched me try to eat it before getting up and grabbing it out of my hands.

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