While the water gushed into the tub and steam filled the small bathroom, I slipped one of my romance novels out of its hiding space under my new mattress and bundled it into my nightshirt.

I retrieved my coffee and took everything into the bathroom, where the air was now almost opaque with steam.

The water was just the right side of too hot and I eased myself in, groaning with the pleasure of it.

My coffee went on the wide edge of the tub and I set the book on top of a short stool, close at hand while I sank into the heat and felt my muscles finally begin to loosen. I could get used to this.

For a few moments, I simply soaked and let myself treasure this small island of tranquility.

The water tickled against my sides and the backs of my shoulders, turning my skin bright pink everywhere it touched.

I was tired but not sleepy, though I knew it was coming, the siren lure of my bed whispering sultrily at the edges of my awareness.

I didn't know this book as well as the others,I'd probably only read it a half a dozen times but I was in the mood for someone strong, who brooked no debate and who would literally sweep his love off his feet and carry him out of danger.

I started at the beginning but soon found myself flipping forward, in search of one particular scene.

"The safe house has been compromised." He whispered.

"What do we do now?" I asked, my grip on the back of his utility belt growing tighter.

"There's another place we can go. Are you up for a hike?"

"Me? I'm not the one with a bullet in his leg."

"I'm fine, It's a flesh wound But it's going to be a long hard run and some climbing."

I wasn't going to let him down, not when he'd fought halfway across the city to rescue me.

"I'm game."

His head turned and a faint sliver of light glinted against the sweaty curve of his cheekbone.

"I know you are." His grin sent heat flooding through my body and I had to swallow hard against the urge to kiss him.

It was probably just the adrenaline.

Hardly likely.

It took us an hour to make it to his hiding spot, running, then hiding, over and over again.

He said it was to let him scout ahead but I knew he was giving me a breather. I was in shape, but not his kind of shape.

I felt the rush of blood through my body, my nipples going stiff in anticipation.

Idly, I rubbed a thumb over one of them, whimpering softly as it sent shocks of arousal down to my groin.

I was wide awake now my whole body focused on the words in front of me.

He locked us in the small apartment. "We should be safe here."

"I've left a message for extraction."

"When will that be?" I didn't like the thought of the them finding us.

"Morning." He began to empty the contents of the first aid kit on his belt onto the table.

"Let me help with that."

What started as simple first aid turned into an act of seduction.

My fingers traced the hard muscles of his thighs, muscles I distinctly remembered shoving my legs wide like two days ago.

He remembered it too, evidently.

His hand curled around the back of my neck and as soon as I'd taped down the end of the bandage, I was dragged up to his mouth forced against the hard planes of his body as he shoved me against the wall.

"Naked Now." he panted in my ear when we came up for air.

I shoved my pants down while he ripped my shirt open and then his mouth was on me, all over me and the heat of his skin set me on fire.

It was like being a teenager again and though my season had been suppressed by hyun's suckling, a different kind of heat flowed through my veins.

The book fell over the side of the tub as I ran my hand down the inside of my thigh, then up the back again, the slightest touch setting my skin on fire with need.

It had been too long since I'd been touched without the pollution of Yoongi's demands and I lost myself, my legs spreading wide as my hands wandered willfully about places I'd forgotten could feel good.

My now free hand slid down the center of my chest to my omega line, teasing along it, enjoying the build-up while my cock begged.

My legs moved restlessly and my desire built.

I left off playing along my line and grabbed my cock trailing fingertips up and down, seeking out the best places to set off that explosion I so desperately needed.

My other hand moved farther, fingers skating over the curve of my ass.

Something inside me would feel good.

I squeezed my cock and stroked up and down, then reached farther, toward my center and that emptiness I needed filled.

"Fuck, you're a randy slut." Yoongi's voice rang in my ears.

The memory flashed in front of me, blocking out everything, sight, sound, touch. I'd been in the bath, early in our mating.

Yoongi had said he'd be late, only he hadn't and he'd caught me, there, in the bathtub.

I sat up in a rush,water splashing over the edge of the tub, my sobs echoing off the tiled walls.

I didn't want to remember that.

This place didn't deserve to be poisoned with those memories.

Fuck you, Yoongi.

I'm glad you're dead.


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