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"See you tomorrow, Nes.." Philip frowned, hugging Indonesia like it was the end of the world. The indonesian chuckled, hugging and patting his back.

"Its only for one night." Philippines looked up with a crossed face. "One night, ha? Come on, cant I just come with you?" He pleaded, Indo looked back at the United States who stared back.

"Its a one room, unless you can sleep in the same bed." Indo joked, hoping to see yat the filipino would say no, instead he had a straight face. Indo sighed. "Maybe some other day, just not now." He said, with a soft look to the other. Philip frowned but then hugged Indo tightly for a second.

"Bye, Indo," Philip smiled. Indo waved and left the house, with Thailand following, whp already said goodbye. Spain came towards Philip.

"Adios, principe." Spain tapped his shoulders, with a grin. Philip looked to the side, and looked into the Spaniards eyes. "Adiós, España." Philip said with a blank face.

"¿Nos vemos de nuevo? (Shall we meet again?)" Spain asked with a charming look. "Por supuesto. (Of course.)" Spain waved as he patted his shoulder and walked out the door. He heard a laugh from the last person in the house.

"What?" Philip asked, lookigg at America. "Nothin'. It's just nice that we're finally alone." He said, as he poured himself another cup of wine. Philip raised a brow. "What is that supposed to mean?" He questioned. America ignored and inhaled the cup in a second. "Easy there.." Philip muttered, as he sat down beside America on the couch.

"You want a snack or..?" The filipino offered, looking at the American who wore a tired expression under the shades.

"I like you." He smiled, pouring the last bit of the wine into the cup.


"You're hospitable, you're easy-going, you're also a good companion. Not to mention, a big temper." He pointed out, holding four fingers up. Philip furrowed his brows.

"..thank you?" He rested his body into the soft couch.

He looked at his face and took off his glasses, and saw his blue, icy eyes. Philip jumped.

America looked at him and at his glasses.

"Are you drunk?" Philip asked, taking a whiff of the alcoholic smell. America shook his head lazily. "No.. why would I be?" He hiccuped inbetween words. Philip sighed, looking at the drunk american. He smiled. "You want some.. wine?" America pointed to the last bottle of wine on the table, as Philip shook his head. "Someone should be able to take care of you," Philip pointed out, with America chuckling. He frowned at the stench.

"Let's get you to bed."

• • •

"So here's your glass of water, and you can wake me up or call me if you need any medicine." Philip instructed the drunk man, pointing at the glass on the nightstand.

"O-oh okay.." America slopped onto the covers, tiredly. Philip smiled. "Goodnight, Joe." He got up, and took his phone in his hand. "G'night.." America then closed his eyes. Philip sighed as he left the room.

Philip closed the lights upstairs and went inside his room.

• • •


Philip woke up, for no reason at all. It was dark and silent. Philip felt that his mouth was dry, and got up for some water.

He exitted his room and went down the stairs quickly, turning on the kitchen lights.

His eyes blinked but adjusted to the brightness, as he looked around for a cup. He looked at a photo of America's family, with his brothers and parents. Philippines smiled at this. He thought that Ame was lucky that he had a family to turn to.

He reached for a glass cup and went to the tap to fill it, which has a filter.

He gulped it down in one second and got another.

He placed the glass in the sink afterwards and headed back upstairs, but something caught his eyes. A box. Not just any box, a box he had given to Ame on his birthday a few decades back. He liked making little trinkets for the country. He looked around and quickly went to it, opening it up.

It contained a letter and a necklace. One that Philip had given him.

His eyes diverted to the letter and opened it.

It was his own writing.

Joe! Kumusta ka? Im getting better at learning english, I think. Its hard but I'm a fast learner. Its been years since we became great friends, hasnt it? But you havent visited in awhile. Are you busy? Will you come back?
I miss you here. It's been boring. Kuya is always at work or staying locked inside his home. There's really nothing much to do, except relax and go island hopping.

I do miss you, so much. Please visit again? If you have time?

A tear dropped from Philip's face. He was so lonely back then. He always looked out the window wondering when he'd come home, or atleast, write a letter. He'd wait so patiently. He sighed as he stored the box back where it was. It meant the world to him that America had it carefully stored.

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