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*mentions of SA*

~well hello my lovely beacon family! I know it's been FOREVER since I last updated but its finally here! I am truly sorry for taking this long and hope it won't be like this for upcoming chapters! These just take me a long time to write and college is very time consuming! I appreciate everyone reading and commenting while I was away! Thank you for keep beacon alive and giving me inspiration to write again! THANK YOU ALL FOR 15K THAT IS INSANE TO ME!! I love you all and I hope you'll enjoy this chapter...it's a chaotic one! Here's a recap since it's been a while!~

Harry, Nyla, zayn, Liam, and niall all attend Harry's father (Desmond's) work party. In this gathering is where clients all come together and get business done. Harry is asked to do more jobs, Nyla is cornered by a man and runs off when Harry blames her for being alone. When harry tries going after nyla he's stopped by one of Desmond's biggest clients. He asks harry to do jobs for him and harry agrees out of impatience. Harry drinks a champagne glass which is later found out was drugged. Harry goes out to the maze garden to find Nyla. He finds her but doesn't last long as he feels dizzy and falls to floor. Cole then knocks out Nyla and then both are kidnapped. Harry wakes up and sees zayn and Liam tied up. Cole unties harry and he takes him to meet Sydney in another room.

Now you're all caught up!

Harry Styles

Cole leads me through the dim lighted hallway which contains half open bedroom doors on either side. This place looks abandoned, possibly recently vacated, given by the thin layer of dust along a table we just passed, but I'm not completely certain. I have no idea where the fuck we are, but I keep my eyes forward while scanning each room we pass. I may have a little too much hope that I'll see Nyla casually sitting on one of the beds, but that's just my hope trying to overpower the dread pooling my stomach. I'm not giving up until I find her.

For now, I'll just have to play along with this sick and twisted game Cole and Sydney are playing.

"What is this place?" I wonder out loud, trying to get the most knowledge of our location.

Cole glances behind him to look at me. "It's an abandoned hotel." He confirms my previous thoughts before wiggling his eyebrows up and down playfully, enforcing an eye roll out of me.

I should just kill him right now.

"Where are we? Are we still LA?" I then ask, seeing if he's as dumb as I thought to tell me our location. If this asshole kidnapped us and took us to another fucking state or country I will personally kill him on the spot.

But I almost run into Cole when he suddenly pauses his steps. I take a step back to create more distance between us while he slowly turns around with narrowed eyes directed at me. "Let me ask you something, Harry."

I blink slowly, wondering what the fuck he's on about now.

"Have you ever been kidnapped before?" He tilts his head, crossing his arms over his chest like he already knows what my answer is going to be.

The more this man speaks the closer I am to punching his fucking face. "Obviously fucking not." I mutter a lie. I kill people for a living, of course I've been kidnapped before. So of course I know how to get out of one.

Cole's lips form into a line, nodding his head slowly. "That's what I thought. See, when you get kidnapped, your kidnapper isn't supposed to tell you where we are located in order to hide the location of this discreet, secret building we've worked so hard in getting you in. Meaning—"

"Are we still in LA?" I cut him off, my already short tolerance for patience has been wearing very thin.

His mouth is parts as he stares at me for a moment before bluntly answering, "Yeah."

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