I just stay silent for a bit.
"Im..im sorry. I didnt-" I sigh.
"I didn't know, it was foolish of me..I shouldn't have went of on you like that. I guess I was a bit dramatic." I say.

He sighs. The glow on his tail changed. Its so much duller. That means just numb.

"I'll be sleeping on my own tonight if that's okay." He managed to sputter. "Yeah..of course." I say.

It got to 8pm and nobody got dinner, they just made themself something.

For the past few days I lock myself in my room. Unsure of what y/n is doing. In my mini fridge I have energy drinks and only a small amount of food, I don't really plan on eating much so,..

I sit in my room laying there doing fuck all. I keep scrolling on twitter, I see cool art, sad art, fanfics, incest...ew.. and hating about me. Just in general. Why. I didn't do ANYTHING TO THEM. I cry.

I look at a blade. I'll do it again. Just one more.

I dissociate for about 5 minutes before deciding.
I go into the drawers a d grab a sharpener and I open it. Shouldn't let me have screwdrivers..

I relapse after a few hours being clean. Its way deeper than last time.

It went white. My heart drops.

Shit. I fucked up. After a few seconds a stream of blood pours out. Shit. There's so much blood. Covered I'm fading. And I pass out.

Cumulus' pov


I hear walking past y/n's room. I knock, "Hey everything okay in there?" I ask.
No reply
I knock harder and rattling the door knob. "Hello??" I shout. Banging on the door and still no response. I panicked ohhh fuck. I couldn't move and I sob quietly. "Papa-?" I shout. "..hm..-?" I hear. "UNLOCK THE DOOR" I shout. "I..can't move.." he says. "Im bleeding out" he says faintly. Okay ohh fuck OH FUCK. I repeatedly swear until I shout some of the others.

"I also eh..took some pills.." he mumbles. "HELP" I scream.

Finally Rain, aether and swiss head over. They all at once barge the door open to see papa covered in blood.
"I feel sick.." he says and passes out again. Y/n must've heard me shouting and was staring in absolute horror.
He couldn't move, breathe, speak. Nothing. I was frozen.

Y/n's pov

I sit and hold him In my arms
"No..no no! Papa no! Don't do this PLEASE be joking!" He wakes up and I grab a bucket for him to throw up in.


He'd overdosed again.

He coughs."I.. uh-.I'm sorry." He choked.."no..no no don't be papa i... don't die..please!" I shout starting to sob hard."Uh.. " he says spacing out again before passing out. "Someone call an ambulance! " I shout. "I have" Cumulus shouts.
I check for a pulse. No pulse.


"NO NO NO NO" I scream. "What is it-?" Sodo shouts half naked as he was in the shower. His long blonde hair still damp. "No, NO PULSE." I sputter. "Oh shit I, AETHER DO CPR ON HIM" Sodo screams. That's the first time I properly seen him cry. I sit holding him.

"It's all my fault..Its all because of me. I uh.." I stammer. "How come." Rain says. "Because, uh..i" I didn't really have a reason..I just knew it had to be my fault.

"It's not working someone please!" I shout.

The ambiance arrives.
"How long has he had no pulse?" The paramedics ask. "Uh fi..five minutes!" I sob. At this pint I was shaking.

C. [trans copia x trans male reader]Where stories live. Discover now