chapter 9: our end

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Fast forward after London ritual (bc it's not important)

Y/n's pov

It's our last 2 weeks in the uk (as we really like it here) and the whole time papa has been ignoring me.

I've really fucked up.

Over this period of being in the uk, drinking has become a coping mechanism for me. I get aggressive when I'm drunk and shout.

The other night I got drunk and almost killed papa.
Gosh I need to controll it.
I can't help it.
I been to stop.

I'm just like my dad

Mother was right.
She was seeing it everyday. The told me day after day,
"That's what your dad would do *deadname*"
I don't want to be like him. Or her. I sit drinking my last glass of whisky. I look at myself drunkenly in the mirror.

I'm a monster.

What have I done to myself.

I'd be better off dead

Papa walks in. "Hello.." he says.
"Look at what you're doing to yourself. Disgraceful.." he says.
"Wtf did you say to me-?" I say because I'm started to get pissed off and I'm drunk.
"I said it's disgraceful. You're drunk EVERY NIGHT. it's not normal." He says. "Nah nah. Wtf-?" I say.

An awkward silence hits and nobody talks.

"What's happening with them-?" Sunshine asks swiss "ain't got a clue" he replies

I walk to the bathroom to throw up as I'm drunk as fuck then walk back out.

"What's the deal with you." Copia says.

"What does it matter, will you slap me again?" I say.

Omg what am I SAYING WTF.


"snap OUT OF IT" He says.
And I do.
"Papa I'm sorry.." I say.

The other ghouls just watch in horror as he leaves again.

Copia's pov

I walk out and i head to the store.

For paracetamol.

C. [trans copia x trans male reader]Where stories live. Discover now