Chapter Sixty-Seven: Ghosts of Demons Past

Start from the beginning

A few minutes later only Jay remained with their host as the others took the Italian-Americans' lead and headed off to do their assigned tasks.

"So why haven't you told your brother?" Voights' question was unexpected.
"Picking my moment," Jay replied honestly.
"You're putting off telling him because he's going to worry about you ...,"
"Sarge he shouldn't have to worry about me. I'm a grown man!"
"Somehow I don't think you've ever won with that argument," Voight guessed ruefully, "we've discussed this before.  He's always going to worry about his kid brother.  That's the price you pay for having a sibling who cares about you.  Take it from me it's a good thing."
"I know Sarge it's just ..... he thought the whole thing with the old man was over."
"But you didn’t?"  Voight already knew the answer for they had realized when the Halstead Senior investigation had wrapped up there was a possibility there were more people in the wings ready to target the young man down the line, with or without the old mans' involvement.
"I knew he might have contacted more people from school or got someone else to do his dirty work."
"And the timing is bad."
"Exactly!  He's already worried about King, this will send him into overdrive."
"Let’s face it Halstead there's never a good time for something like this but we'll deal with it just like we always do. You know this team has your back so ...,"
"About that Sarge I was .....,"
"Halstead whatever you're about to say don't.   This is a team matter and if you haven't worked that out by now you're not as smart as I figured," the Sergeant spoke authoritatively with a stern expression, "now let's get down to basics."

Jay looked at the older man in silence as he contemplated the genuine words. He appreciated yet again how fortunate he was to have such men backing him.  He also knew without doubt that if one of the others was in his situation he'd be helping him.  He decided to give in gracefully this time.  He just had to trust demons old and new were no match for  the others and himself.



That evening Jay slowly crutched his way into the popular bar shadowed by Al and Kevin.  A promise was a promise after all and the beleaguered Detective had given Platt his word he would speak to his brother that day.  Although he dreaded the forthcoming conversation he would keep his word.  Kevin shared a look with Al and peeked away after saluting Jay.  He took a seat on the stool closest to the door where he could view patrons coming in and out.  Walking through the mingling people Al caught Conors' worried gaze as the pair headed for the back table where Will sat fidgeting in nervous anticipation.   The redhead knew something was up and had been unable to concentrate on work after his siblings' phone call out of the blue asking to meet up in Mollys.  Now as Jay neared the grim contenance he wore did nothing to allay the older Halsteads' fears.  For his part Conor had taken note of Kevin on guard duty and Als' for once overt scrutiny of the bars' patrons. Such security measures did not bode well.   He just hoped the redhead beside him would retain his cool.  Before leaving Med the Surgeon had warned his friend that Jay was still in recovery and it was important to keep his stress at a minimum.   He suspected however that possibility was unlikely now thanks not only to the King investigation but also whatever new problem had arisen which had prompted this rendevouz.   Eyeing Jay now it was clear he was not happy with whatever he had to impart.

Jay sat down in relief as soon as he reached the table where his brother and friend were waiting. His leg pain vying for attention as he eased the injured limb out in a stretch, willing away the discomfort now that he was seated and wouldn't have to move around for a while. He had taken two of the strongest painkillers he had with solid food before leaving Voights' house  and the opiates were finally kicking in and blunting the pain as they worked their medicinal magic.   The physical reprieve however was not long being overshadowed by the reason he was here.  He shrugged off his jacket    distractedly and Al quickly took it from his grasp placing it on the spare chair at the table against which his crutches had already been placed by the moustached man.  Usually such attentive aid from his friend and fellow Veteran  would have rankled but Jay was so preoccupied with the upcoming discussion that on this occasion same barely registered.   Besides the older man had a casual and understated way in giving help that made it easier to accept.   Sighing internally the young Detective raised a hand to Herrmann behind the bar and signalled for two drinks.  The man was acquainted with their chosen liquid refreshments.  Out of the corner of his eye he had seen Will about to object but wince instead as he tossed a glare at the innocent looking Surgeon.  Stifling a chuckle knowing his sibling now probably had a sore shin he put the redhead out of his misery.

"Relax Will.  I'm on Lucozade," Jay informed, he had by chance met Herrmann yesterday and in passing mentioned he was on Lucozade until he was off his meds.
"Didn't say a word."
"Guess you didn't," the younger Halstead acknowledged wrily before losing any semblance of mirth, "I need to tell you something but before I do I want you to give me your word you'll stay calm because anger isn't going to change anything and .....,"
"What is it?  Just tell me."
"Your word?"
"Okay!" the redhead assured impatiently.
"A note was to delivered to the precinct for me on the day of the explosion ...,"
"Who was it from?" Will cut in with a frown, a sense of foreboding suddenly enveloping him.
"Your old man," Al informed when his fellow ex-Sniper hesitated.
"What? That's impossible!"
"Not really," Jay sent the moustached man a look of gratitude before returning his attention to his brother as Herrmann materialised at his side with the two drinks, "thanks."
"You let me know if you need a top up," the Firefighter and part-time Barman instructed before heading back to the busy bar, he could tell  from the grim expressions whatever was being discussed was serious so did not waste time on idle banter as he was prone to do on most occasions.

"It must be from someone else," Will decided confidently once they were alone again.
"No. It's his handwriting, I recognised it."
"What did it say?" Conor enquired, surprised Will hadn't asked already.
"Just that I haven't heard the last from him."
"That was it.  One line," Al elaborated to avoid unnecessary questions.
"Damn it!" the redheads' furious words were accompanied by him slapping the table with an open palm, he wanted to scream at someone!
"Will? You promised," Jay softly reminded, understanding fully his siblings' fury but unwilling to give it free reign.
"But that means ....,"
"...... he has something else planned or it's an empty threat," Jay concluded with a shoulder shrug.
"How come I'm only hearing of this now?" Wills' thoughts pivoted to the aspect he had overlooked.
"Because I've had other things to deal with," Jay explained honestly, shoving his irritation aside, "the King case takes precedence and .....,"
"And he's being well looked after," Al stated what his young friend would never say, "someone will be with your brother at all times."
"Shouldn't he be in protective custody or something?"
"'He' is right here," the injured man put in testily, what he had expected would happen was beginning to play out ....


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