Part 16: A Slytherin in Gryffindor's colors

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"If you want an easy elective," Lars said as he joined them, "I'd take Divination. If you know how to lie and make up gruesome stories, then you can easily pass. I've for two years now." 

"That doesn't sound too bad," Lily murmured. Otherwise, her choices were Muggle Studies, Arithmancy, or Ancient Ruins. And none of those sounded too appealing. 

"I might do that," Jace mumbled around a mouthful of food. 

"What about you, Lola?" Scorpius asked. 

"I think I'll take Arithmancy and Ancient Ruins. They sound more worthwhile," she answered.

"Way to be smart," Lana said with a laugh. 

"Bite me," Lily and Jace muttered.


Lily stretched, sighing happily as she lay down on the grass. She was sitting in her grandparents' yard, just relaxing under the sun, her broom by her side. She was quite happy that way. Her father was at work, and Lily was sure that all the women in the family were at Shell Cottage, planning the upcoming wedding. So Lily hadto her grandparents' house. She knew her grandpa would be at work, and that she would be alone in their house, which sounded lovely. Regal was flying around the house, keeping close. Now, he was flying low and landed next to her. 

Lily stroked his feathers. "Oh, Regal, what a beautiful day." 

Regal nipped cutely at her fingers. Lily had learned that it was a sign of his happiness. 

"I can't wait for next year. New classes, and trips to Hogsmeade. You are going to get your new treats a lot faster," she teased. In honesty, Lily no longer felt odd talking to her owl, who couldn't talk back. But he always seemed to know when she was happy or upset. He was better than any dog. 

"I was told that I'd find you here." 

Lily sat up quickly and turned her head to see Teddy walking toward her. Regal became startled and fluttered up to rest on Lily's shoulder. Lily tried not to laugh. 

Teddy's hair was a reddish pink, a sign of embarrassment. 

"Hey, bro. What's up?" Lily asked. She didn't lay back down, not wanting to ruffle Regal. 

"Well, we are at the guest list stage in the wedding preparations, so I wanted to talk to you," he answered. He sat down and stroked Regal's head. 

"Why me?" Lily asked, plucking out a few blades of grass. 

"Well, I was wondering if you'd like me to put anyone down? A few friends to keep you company?" Teddy suggested. 

Lily raised a brow. "You would risk a fight at your wedding by inviting my friends?" 

"No worries, the others would be killed on the spot if they started the trouble," Teddy assured. 

"So, would you like me to?"

 Lily smiled humbly. "Well, I would appreciate it." 

Teddy laughed. "Ok, well, I plan on inviting the whole Malfoy family. After all, they are my family as well, no matter how distant. Now . . . you said you were friendsAvery, right?" 

Lily nodded. "Yup, that I am." 

Teddy nodded as well. "And I remember Lola . . . Pritchard?" 

Lily nodded. "Thought so. And . . . one of the Goyles? Right?" 

"Lana and Lars actually," Lily told him. "And of course, you can't forget Jace Pucey." 

Teddy snapped his fingers. "That's what the other kid's name was." 

Slytherin's Potter ( Scorpius Malfoy x Lily Luna Potter)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora