62 • Cat's out • 62

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"You remember all of that?" Harry asked shocked as Peter let go of his chin and harry's hand went straight to rub it in irritation.

Peter smirked, "I find if you pay attention to your kids, not only does it mean you're more involved in their lives, but it also means you can tell when you're lying to you. It's the small details, son."

I raised my eyebrows in surprise. How'd Peter even know any of that. Harry doesn't strike me as the type to tell his Dad all about his girlfriends or his sex life.

"Did you seriously know all of that?" I questioned Peter.

Peter nodded, "Tommy filled me in. We made a bet on how long it would take her to dump him."

I found myself smiling at that. "Seriously?"

Peter shrugged, "Seriously."

Tommy licked his lips innocently when he realised he'd just been exposed as Harry's personal mole.

"Really, Tom?" Harry growled.

Tommy shrugged. "You were asking for it and it was easy money. It was funny."

Harry shot Tommy a glare, but dropped the subject like he'd realised now was not the time for getting mad at Tommy for something he did over a year ago.

"So, Ellie." Peter began. "How is she? How's her cat?"

"Her cat?" Harry questioned, rubbing the back of his head awkardly and then looked to his brothers and even me for help. "She has a cat?"

Tommy cracked then, laughing like he couldn't take his brother serious anymore.

"The cat she wouldn't shut up about." Sebastian reminded Harry, nodding at him like he was trying to remind him how important it is to remember what Peter is even on about.

"Oh, the cat, fluffy or something?" Harry questioned.

"Scribbles." Tommy scoffed. "Whenever you brought her round for dinner, every conversation circled back to the fucking cat."

"Oh, yeah." Harry nodded, dumbly.

I shook my head in disbelief, he had no clue what anyone was going on about.

"As much as I enjoy seeing Harry squirm, let's focus shall we?" Peter said, the amusement fading from his voice. "Would any of you care to fill me in on what trouble Harry has gotten him and maybe all of you in tonight?" He questioned, his eyes scanning all of us before they landed on me. "Should I expect another angry phone call tomorrow morning?"

"God, no." I shook my head. "It was a chill night."

Peter's lips twitched upwards, but he didn't let the smile settle on his lips. Peter's eyes scanned all our face's, wearily. He definitely didn't believe us.

"Well we can stand here till morning or one of you can be honest with me. So what's it gonna be?" Peter told us.


The boys stood still, glancing at each other like they were having a silent conversation. I didn't look at them. The last thing I wanted was to give the impression we were conspiring. Of course, we were, but I didn't want to make that obvious to Peter.

"It's almost 1 am, guys. You sure you want to continue this?" Peter questioned us, clearly getting sick of our silence.

"You already know the truth." Sebastian stated. "Trust me, Dad. You've got nothing to worry about."

Peter's lips twisted in amusement. "I know you're a good liar, Sebastian. But you can't hide the truth from me this time."

I sighed, getting tired of this. Peter wasn't going to give in. We were just going to stand here until we got more and more tired. All I wanted to do was sleep. If sleep was the reward for my honesty, I was okay with that.

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