And as soon as Mordred took a step against King Arthur - Clarent rejected her.

Mordred became King - and then ceased to be in the moment when she met King Arthur on the hills of Camlann.

It was not a sign that Mordred could not be King - and therefore Clarent's rejection was not like a blazing fire burning his hand, but simply the fact that in a fight with King Arthur, Mordred was not King. The blade was not wrong and therefore knew who the King of Britain was.

Not Mordred.

And not Arthuria.

And the king who at this time was celebrating his coronation in Londinium, could only stare in disbelief as Merlin disappeared behind the threshold of his tower. After all, it's not legends that should be Kings of Men, but people.

However, it was not a holy blade, it did not possess its own will, nor did it possess its own mind. Mordred could have been the King, and she was for that infinitesimal moment where King Arthur had left Camelot in pursuit of Lancelot, and so Clarent let her be in control. But she did not become King, she had done so through subterfuge, and therefore Clarent refused to grant her its power.

And so Mordred died at the hills of Camlann, still holding the blade of the King that did not recognize her as King. Mordred died as she fought her father, a father that did not recognize her as a son. Mordred died fighting for recognition, which was never given to her. Mordred died while only wanting to help her beloved father, as she plunged Clarent into the body of her father. And so Clarent, the sword that was meant to be a symbol for peace, became forever tainted as the sword wielded by the Knight of Treachery. And so the radiant silver blade, was tainted red by the blood of King Arthur and through Mordred's overflowing hatred.

Ironically, Servants are summoned in the strongest condition they can, the greatest moment of their lives. And the fact that Clarent Blood Arthur, the power that was bestowed on Mordred for only one battle with her father, manifested itself precisely as her Noble Phantasm meant that Mordred was the strongest at that moment. She was the strongest when she had been abandoned by her father, betrayed by her people, all the while dying in a hopeless battle.

Mordred knew about this as a child knows how to breathe, as the fish knows how to swim. Servants know what their Noble Phantasms mean and what they represent.

And despite the fact that Mordred couldn't care less about her life - in a strange way, there was hardly a Servant in the world more insecure, crumpled from within and confused than Mordred. And although the adrenaline of battle, rude speech and a deliberately straightforward approach remained a shield with which Mordred could save herself from herself, even the most perfect armor could protect its owner only as long as it did not crack.

Therefore, Mordred used her power, ability and opportunity as she always did.

With the smirk of a beast sensing blood, with great strength and great efficiency.

Moments later, Clarent's power, a crimson lightning bolt that simultaneously destroyed Berserker and a couple of square kilometers of greenery around them seems to be suspended in the air before extinguishing. The trail of destruction left by the lightning leaves Victoria Park with a huge bald spot in the very center.

As the light show died down, it allowed Mordred to slowly scan her surroundings before removing the grin from her face and take a deep breath to calm herself. Fighting, fighting for Modred is always relaxing, fighting is a good way for her to relieve tension. And nowadays, Mordred has a lot of tension to relieve.

Having split up with her father, with Arthuria, Mordred was able to get rid of both her opponent and gain some levity. As Arthuria disappeared from Mordred's sight, she was able to let her breathe out a bit more freely.

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