"Since your mate hasn't yet bitten back, to join and complete devotion's infinite circle. It's why common folk's marriages are marked by a symbolic exchange of rings these days - eternity bands as they are oft-named. The Queen must reciprocate your act as soon as he has regained enough strength"

"I see" - lowering melting eyes to the softly-snoring wife and son nestled in his lap.

It was the midwife who spoke next, rinsing work's blood from wrinkled, water-worn hands over a bucket:

"My old grandma, rest her soul, used to tell that mated pairs could communicate with telepathy when it was called for"

Mew's brow furrowing as he recalled, with a shiver, Gulf's ghostly voice that had reached out to him through the fog - back in the Great Hall, and again, like a siren as he swam across storm's sea.

"I think...I think that we already did"

"Before the bite?" - doctor's eyebrows raised.

"Even before"

"Then Solaris, the universe lent you her hand, that day"


As silent night fell at long last, all was calm, all was bright. Little family alone on their island, as the young omega yawned awake from dreamy slumber to an even better waking dream - though wincing at the sharp stab of his wounds when he stretched.

"Forgive me Gulf, for cutting you", alpha's eyes emotive as he stroked the tousled hair of his wife's head, lain resting against muscular chest.

"Hush. There is nothing to forgive, husband. You heard the doctor - what you did saved both of our lives"

"But still, it pains me. The thought of...hurting you...with these hands"

"Yet I would live that pain a thousand times over again if it brings us such reward..."

Both sets of eyes drawn back - as they had been over and over and over again, never tiring of looking - to the tiny, brand new being suckling milk at mother's pink rosebud.

"Khimuk - Kai", Gulf's voice was gentle, singsong.

"Our own pearl"

"What do you think his given, formal name will be?"

"We await the monks' naming ceremony, but it will surely be heavenly, since his mother is Ciel"

Gulf's giggles rocking his body, causing baby to grunt out frustration upon his nipple, as milk flow was momentarily interrupted.

"But do you see that temper, Mew? The boy hasn't even ventured to open his eyes to the world yet and he is full of fire already. He is a child of the sun, Solaris, I am sure"

Warm chuckles from the elder, father's pride:

"Perhaps, perhaps. My mother used to say I barely left her breast before I turned a year old"

"Then it should be where you got your strength from" - pinching mischievously at sculpted pectorals, then all at once, lip quivering as almond eyes filled with tears...

"What is it, darling? Is the pain so bad?", alpha alert.

"N-no it's just...just...thank you"

Shoulders relaxing back:

"For what, my silly one? Midwife said your emotions may be unsteady-"

"-For hearing me, for finding me, for giving me Kai"

And suddenly all seriousness...

"I would do anything for you"

"I know. When I remember myself alone in the attic sketching the sea that I had never even seen, or lying wait in my chamber with such fearful dread when we first were married-"

"-Don't think of that time, I beg you-"

"-I wonder - I am filled with wonder - to be here in this moment, us three"

Alpha nuzzling his ear...

"Shall we make it four soon?"

Smarting slap to his thigh.

"I will tell your mother"

Hearty laughter, then:

"It feels strange, so strange, to hear that, after all this time"

"Then, shall I tell you Queen Thalassa's tale and how I came to be entangled?"

"Hmmm...tomorrow. Tell it tomorrow. Because tonight, is only for us"

And as Solaris wrapped his embrace tighter about the two, he knew that he held the whole world, right there in his arms.



Khimuk (Kai-mook) translates as...Pearl!


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