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A/N: Apologies for the unintended break - another chapter in a few days to catch up!

Also, just a verrrry obvious reminder that this story is entirely fictional 💛


It was Narong who discovered them. King, Queen and hours-old baby boy in that makeshift nest - Thalassa connecting dots for the astonished manservant, before retreating herself, with promises to return. Then, beneath canopy of silken, cyan sky and low-peeping winter's sun - a veritable calm after the storm - the to-ing and fro-ing began.

Indeed, Clochán an Aifir causeway had never before seen such traffic as in those days following the birth of the kingdom's heir. Every low tide a trail of hustling, bustling figures weaving their way betwixt waves both sides of the wall - and even when tides were high, rowing boats aplenty bobbing busily between mainland and island.

Doctors and midwives, porters and maids, holyfolk and dubiously, distantly related well-wishers. But one problem - Solaris sealing off the entrance to all.

"Come back later", came gruff command from within cavern's walls.

"But the holy naming ceremony-"

"-Can wait some days"

"We brought gifts-"

"-We have all we need"

"Pretty robes for His Highness Queen Ciel-"

"-He has never looked so perfect as he does in this very moment"

"There is a palanquin to carry him home-"

"-This here shall be our home until he is rested"

"Then pose for a royal family portrait together Sire?-"

"-Do you wish to lose your eyes?"

Until, at last, it was the trusted voice of Dr Phawattakun that bridged door's barricade:

"Listen well, Sol - it was I who advised you to follow instinct's guide. Now, in these hours, every fibre of you lives only to protect your omega and child, but the reality is that when Queen Ciel's high bliss begins to ebb, he will be in tremendous pain here in the real world. At the very least allow the midwife to stitch him safely before lacerations fall infected..."

Silence, then a low grumbling and sweet soothing between the new parents, the outcome of which saw the entranceway finally unbolted and said midwife and Chakan himself, welcomed - or at least allowed - within.

By the gleam of the fire and glimmer of candle - under blazing eyes of watchful alpha - the newborn was bathed and examined, and wounds to his mama's neck and lower parts cleansed, sterilised, stitched.

"Fascinating..." - Dr Phawattakun muttering to himself as he prepared protective dressing for Ciel's bite puncture - "You really have the blood of the ancients in you, to even do such a thing. It's been centuries since mate marking occurred, yet your alpha heart led you that forgotten lane. Locking your union...conjuring a euphoric anaesthesia to override birth's agonies, you say...fascinating"

"What is this 'mate marking'?", Mew fighting to keep tone civil and controlled.

"It's the method by which fated pairs, historically, bonded their souls for eternity. Like the intertwined roots and branches of twisted trees in a forest of lone and lonely pines. A wolf paw's imprint upon one another's heart. Star-writing both names across black ink's night sky"

Dormant butterflies taking fluttering, flurrying flight within the alpha's chest as he heard the words.

"My neck, there's a sort of throbbing..."

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