Dark Matters: Act 2

Start from the beginning

Mick:(coms) Hey, do you honestly think that we can take this many Nemefix's?

Bob:(coms) We've got the legendary twin Gears and their kids on our side.

Bob:(coms) All we have to do is give our support.

Mick: Is that really all we can do?

Solas and Lunas, holding nothing back, with fire and frost destroyed multiple Nemefix.

Solas: Like the good old days. Come on tell me you didn't miss this!

Lunas: Of course I did. But no isn't the time to reminisce.

They looked at the Neo Gears racing towards them.

Del-D: You aren't the only ones who don't have to hold back!

Lady-G: Let's see how Legendary you really are!

Solas and Lunas raised their hands, blasting their elements at the Neo Gears. Lady G and Del-D fired their dark matter.


A powerful explosion that knocked Solas and Lunas back occurred.

Lady G and Del-D raced to fight the twins while Gam-Old went straight toward Bob.

Bob: Huh?


Gam-Old tackled Bob into resistance HQ. Through the hanger into the Solar family's private hanger.

From there, Gam-Old pushed Bob away.

Gam-Old: Let's end this, Bob!

Bob: So it IS true... Isn't it?


Bob: Should have trusted my gut...

Bob: I could recognize your style anywhere, Mira Von Trudian!

Gam-Old:... Heh. So you aren't just a stupid AI.

Bob: Why are you with Aiba!?

Mira: I obviously wasn't at first... Until she captured me when the Mars resistance fell.

Mira: Aiba offered to let me join her cause.

Mira: In exchange, she gave me this new body... One that isn't cursed to die young but instead, lives forever!

Bob: That's it?

Mira: What do you mean "That's it"?

Mira: That's all I need! If your existence was on a time limit, you'd want the same.

Mira: But I doubt you can even begin to comprehend mortality.


Mira: Now enough chit-chat. I have to wipe you off my record.

Bob: Then it seem I will get a lesson on mortality.

Outside, Solas and Lunas sparred with the Neo Gears. Due to their Antimatter properties, and their human hostages in their cockpits, defeating them was a difficult subject.

Solas: I think we're going to have to drag these girls into space to do anything.

Lunas: Easier said than done. If they decide to blow up in our faces, we're doomed.

Solas: If there's one thing I'm sure of... It's this...

Solas: As long as we work together, there isn't a thing in this Universe that can stop us!

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