Chapter 17

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25 July 2017 ( 3:45 p.m. ) Mirror sea. POV: Y/N

After reunited, two fleets started to look for exit.

North Carolina: Slow down, Y/N! We are not that fast as you!

Y/N: And that's why I prefer solo missions. Nobody are slowing me down.

Then, behind them appeard many siren ships of Executor-class ( Mark II version ).

Volga: They are on our back, Comrades!

Y/N: [ Turns around ] Attack them!

Tashkent: Intruders are here aswell!

Y/N: I hope that everyone have anti-submarine wepons.

When Tashkent and other destroyers was preparing anti-sub wepons, Y/N was between sirens, constantly destroying them.

Independence: Wait for us, Y/N! [ sends planes in the sky ]

In meantime Battleships fired salvo's and destroyers... was trying to kill submarines.

Time skip: 30 minutes ( 4:15 p.m. )

Y/N: [ destroying siren ] And that was the last one.

Rossiya: So, we going on...

In the same time Mirror sea trembled.

Javelin: Whats going on?!

Y/N: Mirror sea is closing.

Suddently they appeard back in arctic sea.

Belarussiya: I think we can back to base.

Y/N: Yeah. [ I hope that they forgot about that story with black liquid... ]

Time skip: 2 hours 15 minutes ( 6:30 p.m. ) Northern Parliament North base.

Gangut: You finally came back, Comrades! But where is Comrade Błyskawica?

Y/N: [ change riggings to ship ] I'm here!

Gangut: COMRADE BŁYSKAWICA! [ runs to him ]

Y/N: [ No, No, No! She will want me drink with her ( again )! Anybody, help meeee! ]

Gangut: My Comrade! [ Hug him ] I really miss you! Why you didn't came sooner to see me!? Nobody is better than you in drinking and listenig!

Y/N: I miss you too, Comrade Gangut...

North Carolina: You know each other well?!

Y/N: Yeah something like that...

Javelin: What's the story behind this?

Y/N: That's how you end, after working 3 months here, when you don't have any problems with vodka.

Javelin: Oh...

Gangut: Comrade Błyskawica, How was your retirement?

Y/N: It was very boring time... Gangut, can you stop huging me? It's getting little uncomfortable.

Gangut: [ releases him ] If that's what you want, Comrade...

Soyuz (Sovietsky Soyuz): < Comrade Błyskawica, do you hear me? >

Y/N: No way... < Soyuz?! >

Soyuz: < No one other than me, Comrade. I heard that you are in our base. How it is to back after all these years? >

Y/N: < It's strange, but happy felling. Sadly you aren't here, but I hope, we'll see each other in near future. >

Soyuz: < I hope so, Comrade. See you soon! >

The last male ship ( Azur Lane )Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon