Chapter 8

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14 June 2017 2:00 p.m. Azur Lane Main Base - docks. POV: 3rd person

All kansens from: Hornet fleet, Royal Navy Main forces and rescue fleet was again in base.

Hornet: Main base recived so much damage! I've never seen this base in state like that.

Y/N: This isn't the most damage that this base recived in history. This could be worse.

Ineed, base in 1988 was attack by sirens. After that battle from base left nearly nothing. But Azur Lane was determinated and kansens rebilded it after orginal plans.

Some minutes later, Azur Lane Main Base - Archive. POV: Y/N

Y/N was seeking again reaserch 233, that he didn't found last time. However, nothing changes. He still can't find it.

Y/N: [ I still can't find it. But if it's not there, then where? ]

Y/N left archive, don't having any idea where it can be.

Time skip: 1 hour ( 3:05 p.m. ). Inside car. POV: 3rd person

Prince of Wales and Illustrious are going to Royal Navy Garden. Illustrious see trough window Enterprise ship.

Wales: She saved not just a base, but Hornet fleet too. There is no doubt that she is extremly powerful.

Illustrious: But our bad expectations were meet too. If not a Belfast, who know how it could end.

Wales: Are you concerned about her?

Illustrious: She saved Unicorn. I do not wish to see her grouded over curse of war.

Wales: In that case we should have a word with Her Majesty.

But Wales have one more idea what they can do.

Wales: Maybe Commander can help?

Illustrious: But why? He Don't have anything that can help.

Wales: You don't remeber? He worked on secret reserches. He probably know much more ( about Kansens and not only ) than we.

Illustrious: And he knowed when Enterprise will reach her limit. You are right, we need ask him for help.

Royal Navy internal radio channel

Wales: < Belfast? >

Belfast: < Yes, Wales? >

Wales: < Can you Invate Commander Y/N to party? >

Belfast: < I'm not sure if Her Majesty will agree with that idea. >

Illustrious: < But it's for us, we need him to one topic. >

Belfast: < If that's how situation looks like, I can do it. >

Wales: < Thank you, Belfast! >

Time skip: 10 minutes ( 3:15 p.m. ), Commander's office. POV: Y/N

Y/N was looking on reports, when someone knocked to doors.

Y/N: You can Enter!

To office walked Belfast

Belfast: Commander Y/N, You are invited to Royal Navy Tea Party, that is today, about 3:30 p.m. at Royal Navy Gardens.

Y/N: [ Looks at clock ] I thinked that Royal Navy are don't doing anything suddently.

Belfast: It was sudden request from Prince of Wales and Illustrious.

Y/N: [ I think that I know what's going on ] I'm accept Invitation, I'll be there on time.

Belfast: Thank you, Commander Y/N.

The last male ship ( Azur Lane )Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt