Chapter 16

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25 July 2017 9:00 a.m., Northern Parliament North Nase - Commander's room on ORP Błyskawica. POV: Y/N

Y/N was looking on map of arctic sea and thinking why sirens are that active here.

Y/N: What is that intresting for them? There is literally NOTHING! They even didn't made mirror sea... or they did?

Y/N: < Rossiya, there are any information about mirror sea? >

Rossiya: < Negative, Comrade Comander. >

Y/N: [ Weird... ] < In that case, I'm going on patrol mission. >

Rossiya: < What ships do you need, Comrade Comander? >

Y/N: < I don't need any, I'm going on patrol alone. >

Rossiya: < But It isn't safe for you, Comrade Comander. >

Y/N: < I know what I'm doing, don't worry. >

Rossiya: < If that's your decision... >

Y/N: < If something will hapen, call me on radio! >

Time skip: 2 hours ( 11:10 a.m. ) Arctic sea.

Y/N: [ I didn't found anything intesting. It's time to come back. ]

Suddently Y/N was teleported to Mrror sea.

Y/N: Yeah... clasic

Tester β: You, Kansens are never learnig from past... [ fires shells in direction of Y/N ]

Y/N: [ avoides it ] What do you mean?

Tester β: I've killed Grom, by hands of his ally and now is time for you Błyskawica!

Some time later, Northern Parliament North base, Rossiya's office. POV: 3rd Person

Illustrious: Why you can't tell us?

Rossiya: Because it's classifed, Comrade.

Javelin: How the place where he is now can be classifed?!

Rossiya: He didn't told you, so he has an reason.

Illustrious: But It's not strange that he don't anwsering on radio calls?

Rossiya: [ recalling last talk with Y/N ] ... He can be in danger! < Rescue team, be ready in 10 minutes! Y/N's fleet going aswell! >

Time skip: 2 hours 10 minutes ( 1:35 p.m. ) Arctic sea.

Rossiya: We still don't see any sight of Y/N...

Avrora: Comrades, Siren on the sky! 11'o clock!

Rossiya: Prepare for fight, Comrades!

However, before they started fight, they was teleported to mirror sea.

Purifier: You thinked that we'll play on your grounds, Azur Lane? Hahaha!

Other Part of the same Mirror sea, POV: Y/N

Y/N: You are still strong, I must say...

Y/N hits her shulder with shells. Tester β is bleeding.

Y/N: But you didn't kill Grom. He was killed by Observer's experiment. You ONLY was a huge help with it.

Tester β: Maybe it's true, maybe not. You wasn't there, so you'll never learn the truh. For now, farawell Y/N and see you on sea floor someday!

Tester β disappears.

Y/N: Ugh... [ Looking for something intresting here is good idea. ]

Y/N have several Injuries, but it wasn't anything big.

Time skip: 3 hours 5 minutes ( 3:00 p.m. )

After looking for 3 hours, Y/N had enough of this place.

Y/N: This mirror sea is very large! I've been looking around 3 hours, and I'm still not in the half to end!

* Beem *

In that moment, silent ( untill now ) radar detected some ships.

Y/N: Intresting... 11 ships on radar, 17 km away, on North-east. But what ships are they? Maybe it's siren fleet or... maybe that's rescue team that is lookin for me?

After short thinking he deciedes to look who are they.

Time skip: 12 minutes ( 3:15 p.m. )

Y/N: [ looking trough binoculars ] It's kansens from Azur Lane!

Y/N was happy that he has any back-up, however he seen that on their's back was Observer, probably unnoticed.

Y/N: They are in danger! [ Błyskawica, max speed! ]

Y/N was going on his max speed ( 72km/h; 45mph ) to fleets.

In the same time, POV: 3rd Person

Observer: [ Old, dumb Y/N won't save you! He is far away from there! ]

Observer was aiming her "secret" wepon on one of the Kansens.

Observer: [ Ready and... Go! ]

Observer fired, but insted of shell, it was syringe with some strange, black liquid.

When Y/N saw this, he start shooting at it.

Observer: Huh?!

Rossiya: Who is... [ turns around ] Comrade Y/N?!

In that moment syringe was destroyed by one of Y/N's shells. Black liquid disappear in ocean.


Y/N: Not this time!


Y/N: I have my ways to broke your plans. [ they still using that outdated notes how I work in mirror sea. ]

Observer: Looks like you are not going to die now... Goodbye!

Observer disappears.

North Carolina: Commander, You are alright?

Y/N: I'm alright, don't worry. But you are alright aswell?

Rossiya: Yes we are, Comrade.

Javelin: We been worried about you, when you didin't anwser radio calls.

Y/N: You probably called me when I was already in mirror sea.

Avrora: Comrade Y/N, what was in that shell you destroyed?

Y/N: It's story for other time. For now we going to destroy mirror sea and come back to base.

This is end of chapter sixteenth. I currently thinking about little rewrite ( If I don't change my mind ) of Chapter 11, because I don't like how it looks. Anyway thanks for reading this chapter and see you in chapter seventeenth!


A/N note added 2 days after publication: Chapter 11 wasn't that bad as I think and was only slightly re-writed.

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