Chapter 18

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25 July 2017 ( 7:00 p.m. ) Northern Parliament North base - canteen. POV: Y/N

Rossiya: Why we didn't know about it sooner?

Y/N: In July 1989 old commander retired, and new commander when he seen results of Investigation that ended in early 1990, decise to make it secret. Only liders of fractions, kansens that was there and I knowed results.

Javelin: But why? It's important to know the truth!

Y/N: Why? Why... It was because second generation program was going to eliminate these problems and new kansens didn't needed to know this.

Vestal: < This was a true reason of fast retiring first gen. Kansens? >

Everone in room ( expect Y/N ): It was transmitted through radio?!

Y/N: Yes it was, because I wasn't plannig to say it twice.

Javelin: Oh, It's makes sense.

Y/N: And anwsering you Vestal: Yes it was. It was the main reason, but these I told you before was true aswell.

Enterprise: < But something was done to make it impossible to happend again? >

Y/N: Yes, they pioritised second gen kansens program and decided to fast-replaceing us with it.

Mutsu: < What happed to all these kansens? >

Y/N: Em... It's complicated. [ How can I tell them that most of them was killed? ]

Mutsu: < Why it's complicated? >

Nagato: < Mutsu! Don't attack Commander with hard questions. >

Y/N: Thanks Nagato... It's time to get back to reality. [ Gets up from chair ]

Before leaving, Y/N stopped, as he wanted say something, but he quickly back to leaving room.

Time skip: 10 minutes ( 7:15 p.m. ) Northern Parliament North base - docks

Y/N: [ Looks on his ship ] O my God! When it's got to be this dirty?!

Ineed, his ship was a slightly dirty from smoke ( mostly stern section ). Immediately Y/N walked to small room on ship, where was stored things that he used to clean up the ship.

Y/N [ starts cleaning ship ] Ship must be clean as on Launch day!

In the same time, Waters near Northern Parliament North base. Pov: 3rd person.

???: He still doing his best. Intresting...

2???: Maybe he will gave them better future.

???: Everything still can change.

2???: I know.

Time skip: 9 hours 45 minutes ( 26 July 2017, 5:00 a.m. ) Commander's room on ORP Błyskawica.

Y/N waked up.

Y/N: [ Heew... ] No alarms in the night? Something new.

When he looked out through porthole, and see beautiful morning. After changing clothes Y/N walked on main deck of his ship.

Y/N: New day, new suprises. [ starts daily check up ]

Time skip: 3 hours 30 minutes ( 9:00 a.m. ) Northern Parliament North base - Meeting room

Rossiya: Siren activity has decreased immensely, after destroying mirror sea.

Y/N: As expected.

Rossiya: But not that much. Only mission that we do now is escort icebraker.

Y/N: [ Intresting... ] What must happend to change it that much? It is not because mirror sea.

Avrora: But how you can tell, Comrade Comander?

Y/N: It's unusual for them to retreat on that scale. Something wented not like they wanted.

Illustrious: What it can be?

Y/N: We don't know for now. However, sooner or later we will know.

North Carolina: In that case, whats your orders, Comander?

Y/N: We will stay for some days more. If nothing change, we will go to Main base.

Then sudently someone spoke up on radio.

Wales: < Comander Y/N. >

Y/N: Hm? < Yes, Wales? >

Wales: < Since you solved important problem in Northern Parliament, we want to give you two weeks of vacation. >

Y/N: < Wales, it's really you? I was sure that you will want me to comeback soon as possible. >

Wales: < A-Actually... >

Enterprise/Hornet: < It's because of us. >

Y/N: < Now I'm even more cofused. What do you mean? >

Hornet: < We still didn't thanked you, after you helped Yorktown. So, we asked Wales if you can have some days off. >

Y/N: < I see... >

Enterprise: < Are you not happy with it? >

Y/N: < No, No! I just don't know what I should say... [ Eh.. ] Thanks, but you didn't have to. >

Hornet: < But we wanted to, so we did it. >

Enterprise: < Y-yeah... >

Y/N was happy, however he didn't any idea where he can go.

Y/N: [ turns to kansens ] You hear it.

Javelin: Comander is going on vacation!

Y/N: ...Back to base.

Everyone: What?!

Y/N: I don't have any idea where I can go, so I'm just going back.

Volga: You surely have places where you want to go!

Y/N: [ Places where I want to go?... Wait... 1994... I got it! ] I think you are right, I have some places to visit.

Independence: When we going on?

Y/N: We? I going by myself. It's going to be a very sentimental voyage for me.

Gangut: Where are you going, Comrade?

Y/N: I going to do, what I planed as my one of last voyages before decommison. From here I going to Rombaken fjord, next I'll visit base near Trondheim for resupply. After that I going to to my Polish home city - Gdynia. From there I'll go to Cowes - My place of birth. After going across Atlantic ocean I going stop in New York, and from there, through Panama canal to end voyage in Azur Lane main Base.

Gangut: Are you crazy? It's very long and dangerus route!

Y/N: I know, but I'll do it.

Rossiya: Are you sure that you and your ship can do it, Comrade Błyskawica?

Y/N: Of course! It's in good machanical condition and without any holes in hull.

Rossiya: If that how it looks, we won't going to stop you.

Y/N: Good to know... and one more thing: It's not classifed.

Rossiya: Yes, Comrade Commander!

This is end of chapter eighteenth. Thanks for reading this chapter and see you in chapter nineteenth!


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