|+| banquet |+|

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this is less of a oneshot, and more of a collection of scenarios exploring various characters' relationships with each other :D

after reading up on banquets (briefly glancing through an article abt them) I feel I should preface that banquets in the Ether are just lively gatherings with other pantheons - where two or more species' pantheons can hang out w/ one another and chill after a few weeks of preparation.

most banquet schedules are rotated throughout pantheons (i.e., one banquet is hosted by the Ire pantheon, the next is hosted by the Mystic pantheon, etc)

another aspect of Ether banquets are, sometimes, when a pantheon member's relative or someone dear to them has a large achievement, they will be invited to a banquet held in their honor!! the banquet will also be themed after whatever the loved one wants/their achievement (a wedding, retirement, mastering magic, etc). and other times the loved ones are just invited to say hi to their deity's pantheon and have fun :D

this also gives them an excuse to wear rlly fancy clothing-

this banquet is very specifically a gathering of the pantheon's loved ones to share achievements, meet the other deities, etc.

these scenarios will end abruptly and flick from deity to deity, so watch out for that lmao-


[ gathering ]





"I'm nervous," Xena stated bluntly, tapping her heel on the marble floor.

"you'll be fine, dear," hummed Altalune, lightly patting the blonde's head.

"I haven't seen Daedalus and Duvessa in months," the sun deity continued, "what if they're mad at me? I don't think they even replied back to the invitation...what about Dusty and Dana and Lynette? are they mad at me too...? I did forget to call Dana a few days ago..."

"we'll see."

"that's not very reassuring..."

Altalune chuckled a bit, putting her hand up to her chin. at the sound of rapid footfalls, she tilted her head to face the approaching Deity.

"hiiiii Alta, Xena~!" Maribelle chimed, fixing her hair. "the angels have finished with the decor and stuff. the others are just waiting for us, now~"

"oh? do you have someone you're waiting for, as well?" Altalune asked with a tilt of her head.

Maribelle paused. "no," she admitted, "everyone I would have invited are dead or don't talk to me anymore. the price of being semi-immortal, I guess~"

"mmh. I understand."

"how many people have you got coming, Xena?" the time deity chirped, leaning past Altalune to look at the blonde.

"huh? oh -" Xena paused, then quietly counted on her fingers. "um, t...ten? ten people. if most of them show up, at least - they're almost all introverts.."

"aaah, so you're the kind of extrovert to adopt introverts left and right, huh~? cute! you know, you probably have the most relatives out of all of us, heh~" Maribelle hummed, leaning her head back on her hands. "I think the only runner-up is Bayu, with his spirit pack n all~"

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