║ time ║

22 3 0

− she who broke the hands of time,


▿ ⦽ ▿

| bio |

| aliases |
− Mari
− Belle / Bella

| birthday |
| ???? |

| age |
| 22-24 [physically] |
| ~ 80s-90s [technically] |

| height |
| 182.88 cm |
| 6'0" |

| element |
| time |

| animal |
| Culpeo |

| voiced by |
| AJ Michalka |

| appearance |

| Maribelle is a tall, thin girl with long legs and a rectangular body type. she has tanned skin and a bunch of freckles across her body, with some deep scars around her hips and neck. her element's marking is inscribed on her left hand.
her hair, a goldish-rust color, is long, thick, and messy when untied. she usually has it in a "space buns" hairstyle, with loose hair in the front + two braids running up her temples into her buns. her eyes are a bright white-gold with a darker sclera & pale eyelashes. she has a steampunk-style eyepatch over her right eye.
her outfit mostly consists of a fur-trimmed pilot's jacket w/ the Time element's symbol on the back, a skin-tight turtleneck sweater underneath, and a full-body harness w/ multiple other belts and bags on her hips. she also has super thick pants and heavy boots on + aviator gloves. |


| combat + preferences & duties |

| weapon class |
| swordsman - support |

| weapon |
| Clockwork's Blade - swordstaff |

| ranking |
| 4th of the Mystic Deities |

| responsibilities |

| hobbies |
− mind games
 − fixing clocks/making watches
− engineering
 − gymnastics
− studying history
− playing guitar

| dislikes |
 − uncooperative people
− those shitty modern homes. you know the ones
 − summer heat
− dancing
− cheaters

| likes |
− old rock music
 − creating things
− raw honey
− smoking
− golden sunsets

| favorite food |
| raw honey |

| least favorite food |
| raspberries |

| talents |
− combat
 − guitar
− engineering
− baking
− acrobatics
 − getting the upper hand in games

| ultimate attack |
| "slowly ticking" |
[ in which Maribelle stabs her sword into the very fabric of time, creating a piercing sound like shattering glass as she pulls it back, before turning the weapon into a sigil. ]
[ as the sigil forms, the environment shifts into a hazy rustic gold-brownish with visible glass-like cracks in the air, a golden string surrounding the area in the form of a circle. ]
[ the sigil is then cast upon the battlefield, creating the illusion of a clock face underneath the environment. all allies caught within her attack will receive a shield and healing buffs. all enemies will be completely frozen in time. ]

║⤠ 𝚌𝚑𝚛𝚘𝚗𝚒𝚌𝚕𝚎𝚜 𝚘𝚏 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚖𝚢𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚌 𝚍𝚎𝚒𝚝𝚒𝚎𝚜 ⤟ ║Where stories live. Discover now