║ light ║

31 3 4

− she who burns bright,


⊰ ⦾ ⊱

| bio |

| aliases |
− X ["zee"]
−  the Everburning Sun

| birthday |
| August 9 [Leo] |

| age |
| 25-29 [physically] |
| 40s-50s [technically] |

| height |
| 170.18 cm |
| 5'7" |

| element |
| light / Sun |

| animal |
| domestic longhair tabby |

| voiced by |
| 青妃らめ -aohi rame- |

| appearance |
| Xena is a relatively tall, muscular woman with a thick waist, broad shoulders, and an hourglass figure. she appears more mature-looking compared to her previous forms. she has sun-tanned skin with more red-orange blushing under her eyes and freckles across her shoulders + back. on her lower back is the Sun element's marking in bright gold, which reaches up and wraps around her ribs.
her hair is pale gold with red tips, which burst into flame when she is upset. it is often slicked back and out of her face, and usually super messy. her eyebrows and eyelashes are the same pale gold. she has large, almond-shaped eyes colored a pale green w/ saturated amber and gold accents. she only has one eye.
her outfit commonly consists of a custom fabric eyepatch with various symbols on it, a corset, a black turtleneck, and dark jeans + combat boots. |


| combat + preferences & duties |

| weapon class |
| multiclass + main dps |

| weapons |
− everchanging warblade - heavyblade 
− gilded scales - bow
− sunkissed lance - spear
− blazing pages - grimoire
− sunsplitter - shapeshifting gun

| ranking |
| 2nd of the Mystic Deities |

| responsibilities |
− visit the mortal realm, check up on her family + friends
− patrol protected Mystic + Magick areas
− cleanse protected Mystic + Magick areas, destroy all remains of Shier Whia rot
− schedule banquets [shared duty w/ Altalune]
− meet with the Deities of other pantheons

| hobbies |
− sparring
− working out
− video games
− acrobatics
− cooking

| dislikes |
− Shier Whia
− needles
− long meetings
− paperwork
− chocolate [deathly allergic]

| likes |
− her family
− energy drinks
− honey
− calla lilies
− armor
− sweet food

| favorite food |
| sushi |

| least favorite food |
| anything chocolate |

| talents |
− weapon mastery + combat
− mass destruction
− dancing
− healing
− archery / swordsmanship / spellcasting
− violin / flute
− acrobatics
− sewing

║⤠ 𝚌𝚑𝚛𝚘𝚗𝚒𝚌𝚕𝚎𝚜 𝚘𝚏 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚖𝚢𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚌 𝚍𝚎𝚒𝚝𝚒𝚎𝚜 ⤟ ║Where stories live. Discover now