All three of you get a perfect score. ((CHAPTER ELEVEN))

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Power, Denji, and (Y/N) were all in Aki's hospital room. 

They waited hours for him to wake up.

' ' Hey! Give me some apples, too! ' ' Power screamed at Denji

' ' No way! You ran away from the battle! ' '

' ' Nuh-uh! I was just hungry! ' ' She responded.

(Y/N) was sitting silently.

Through Denji and Power's bickering, Aki woke up.

' ' Who all from division four are left..? ' ' 

' ' I think.. That shy girl, Kobeni. And that guy with glasses. He quit, though. ' '

' ' Oh, yeah. Makima wants me, Power, and (Y/N) for 'somethin. ' '

' ' Yeah! We only came to eat your apples! ' ' Power added.

Power, Denji and (Y/N) left. But, before (Y/N) left, he gave a goodbye to Aki.

They were in the hallway, contemplating whether to get a drink or not.

' ' Damn, I forgot my manga! ' ' Denji yelled.

As he was going to the door, he paused.

' ' He's... ' ' He said, but stopped the sentence.

' ' Nevermind, he's probably bored. I'll let him read it. ' ' 

The three of them headed to the location that Makima needed them at.

' ' Due to the fact that there's a whole organization after division 4, you'll all be receiving training. ' '

' ' So, you'll be training us, Miss Makima? ' ' (Y/N) asked.

' ' No, I won't be training you, but he will. ' '

' ' Meet Ki- ' ' Makima was cut off by a man

' ' SHH. ' '

' ' Answer my questions. ' '

' ' How did you feel about your teammates dying? ' ' The man had asked.

' ' Didn't really feel anything. ' ' Denji said.

' '  I was like 'Woah, they're dead!'  ' ' Power said.

' ' I was shocked, but that's about it. ' ' (Y/N) responded.

' ' Do you want revenge on the people who killed them? ' ' 

' ' Nah.. all that revenge stuff is boring! ' ' Denji responded to the question.

Both Power and (Y/N) agreed with Denji.

' ' Humans, or Devils. Which side are you on? ' '

' ' The side that'll take care of me. ' '

' ' The side that's winning. ' '

' ' Whichever side I wanna be on. ' '

The man stood there in silence for a few moments.

' ' All three of you get a perfect score.  I love 'ya. ' '

Power looked over to face Denji and (Y/N)

' ' I'm scared.. ' ' She whispered.

' ' Makima, you can go. Their training starts now. ' '

' ' Name's Kishibe. ' ' The man said, walking up to the three of them.

He got all three of them in a hug, some miraculous way.

' ' I'm a devil hunter for Special Division One. I like it when people call me 'master', so you'll do just that. I like booze, women.. and killing devils. ' '

Kishibe squeezed the three of them, snapping their neck, and the top of their spine.

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