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It happened a few days after (Y/N)'s wake up party.

Aki, Himeno, who he figured out was the girl with an eyepatch, Power, Denji, and him were all eating at a ramen shop.

' ' Man! This is seriously good! ' ' Denji said as he was eating ramen.

' ' Yeah! ' ' (Y/N) added to Denji.

(Y/N) was starting to get closer with everyone else. 

' ' Hey, (Y/N). What happened to 'ya? You're all lively now, but at that party, you were 'actin al gloomy! Why's that? ' ' Himeno had asked.

It took him a few seconds to respond, because he had noodles in his mouth.

' ' Well, it's just that I had gotten out of the hospital a day before the party. I was still feeling bad, y'know? ' ' He had responded to Himeno.

As if out of nowhere, a tall, black haired man butted into the converstaion.

' ' I can't believe you can eat this. It's garbage. ' ' The suspicious man said.

' ' Tastes fine to us! ' ' Denji and (Y/N) replied to him.

' ' Don't you talk to me like we're equal, human! ' ' Power yelled at him.

' ' I can tell you can't judge good flavors from bad. I doubt it's your fault, though. If you eat the same food as a child everyday, you'll be accustomed to that. ' ' He'd say.

' ' Having a bad cuisine can lower your happiness. ' ' 

' ' Hey, I'm happy! ' ' Power yelled at the man.

' ' Do you think we should leave? ' ' Aki suggested the idea.

' ' My grandfather was the nicest man in the world. Sure, he was Yakuza, but that didn't stop him from being the best granddad to me. He'd always take me to fancy restaurants. I loved him. ' ' 

The black haired man reached into his jacket and pulled out a picture of his grandfather.

' ' I'm sure you loved him, too. Don't you, Denji? ' ' 

' ' Hey.. that's.. What are 'ya getting at? ' ' Denji asked the man.

' ' You know him? ' ' Aki asked.

' ' The gun devil wants your heart, and I want you dead. ' '

The man reached back into his jacket, and pulled out a gun. He shot Denji and Himeno, and tried to shoot Power, Aki, and (Y/N), but they dodged out of the way. 

' ' Kon! ' ' Aki shouted, making a hand gesture that resembled an animal.

It was a split second later, but a fox with multiple eyes came and ate the man.

' ' Aki Hayakawa. You've put something interesting in my mouth. It isn't human, or dev- ' ' The fox was cut off by the man who had sliced the fox open.

He looked similar to Denji's chainsaw form. Swords from his elbows down, and one coming from his head.

Aki had pulled out something that looked like a spike sword.

' ' Power, stop Himeno's bleeding. And, (Y/N), you come fight with me. ' ' Aki said.

' ' Yes, sir! ' ' (Y/N) replied.

Power ran to save Himeno, and the Aki and (Y/N) ran to fight the sword man.

They managed to get a few hits on him, but he hit them, too.

Things took a turn when Aki got kicked into the wall.

' ' Curse, finish him! ' ' Aki shouted.

A devilish creature appeared, grabbed the sword man, and ripped him apart.

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