Let's go! ((CHAPTER TEN))

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The woman with blonde hair started to panic.

' ' I thought we killed her! Why is Makima still alive?! ' ' She was asking herself, obviously in fear.

' ' We have to get out of here! Hurry up and get in the van! ' ' She ordered the man with swords, who was now back into his human form.

Down the street, Kobeni was walking towards them.

' ' So.. you're the shooters? ' '

' ' Snake. Tail. ' '

The same snake devil that ate ghost appeared, and attacked Kobeni with its tail.

Kobeni grunted a few times as she dodged its attacks and climbed onto it.

' ' Is she a damned monkey?! ' ' The sword man screamed.

Kobeni ran up to the man with swords, cut his hand off with the knife she held, took his gun, and shot him twice.

She then aimed at the blonde one, but was met with clicks of the empty magazine.

The blonde woman did what Kobeni couldn't, and shot at her.

Kobeni lunged for Denji's body, using it as cover.

' ' Come on, Sawatari! It's not worth it! ' ' The sword man yelled.

The blonde woman, know known as Sawatari, ran for their van, and drove off.

' ' I'm.. I'm sorry that I tried to kill you.. ' '

Kobeni bursted out laughing like an insane person.

' ' Like that even matters anymore! ' ' She yelled.

Kobeni was standing, looking at all of the damage. Then, she saw someone.

' ' Isn't that.. (Y/N)? ' ' She asked herself.

(Y/N) was waking from where he was laying, barely healed from a small amount of  blood that was near him.

' ' What happened to everyone? And where the hell did those people head off to?! ' ' (Y/N) asked.

He fell to the ground, still weak from his previous fight minutes ago.

' ' I swear.. I'll kill 'em all.. ' ' He said before he blacked out.

It had been a few hours before he woke back up back into his apartment.

' ' Huh..? How did I get here? ' ' He asked himself, very

' ' Yo! ' ' Denji said with a smirk.

' ' Denji.. You brought me home? You were cut in half, man.. ' '

' ' It looked bad, but I'm all good! ' '

' ' So, how is everyone..? ' ' (Y/N) asked.

' ' Aki's in the hospital, Himeno's dead, Kobeni's back at her house.. and Power is on her way here. ' ' Denji replied.

' ' Damn.. ' '

' ' Sound bad, but we definitely won that! ' '

They were interrupted by a knock on the door.

' ' Power has arrived! ' '

' ' You ready to go to the hospital to check up on Aki? ' '

' ' I don't like topknot, but I got 'nuthin better to do! ' ' Power yelled.

' ' What about you, (Y/N)? You coming, too? ' ' Denji asked.

' ' I'm in the same situation as Power.. got nothing to do right now. ' ' He responded.

' ' Alright then, let's go! ' '

Chainsaw Man: Superحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن