Give her back! ((CHAPTER FIVE))

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' ' Hey, (Y/N), have you ever had a soda before? ' ' 

Denji asked, curious.

' ' No.. Have you? ' ' (Y/N) responded.

' ' This is my first one! ' ' Denji said as he opened a cold soda that he got from a vending machine. ' ' It's like a dream come true. ' '

' ' But that dream'll be ruined if we keep screwing up! ' ' Denji yelled, glaring at Power.

There was a brief silence after that.

' ' I can only get along with cats. ' '

' ' I hate humans, not because they did anything to me.. It's just my natural devil instincts. ' ' Power admitted. ' ' And I hate devils, too. I hate devils because one ran off with my pet cat, Meowy.. ' '

' ' Makima caught me before I could get Meowy back.. I would do anything to have him back with me -- even ally with a human -- . ' '

' ' I doubt you humans could relate to that! Not even you, (Y/N)! ' '

Denji looked unamused, and (Y/N) was looking down to his side.

' ' A cat? That's a pretty dumb reason to fight. I'd probably do it to touch some boobs.. Although, if it was a dog, I could probably understand that, too. ' '

' ' You pervert.. ' ' (Y/N) said to Denji.

' ' Don't act like you're not a closeted weirdo! ' '

' ' What if.. I let you touch my chest, if you got Meowy back..? ' '

' ' I'd get him back for free! I don't want to grope you! ' ' (Y/N) said, blushing.

Denji stared blankly at Power, and blinked a few times.

' ' That damn devil! Kidnapping a poor cat! How evil!! ' ' Denji started screaming.

' ' Oh? Yeah! ' ' Power started to scream, too.

' ' I'll kill that bitch! ' '


The three of them were on a train, headed to the location of the devil that kidnapped Power's cat.

' ' I promised Makima that I'd watch these two.. Now I'm in the middle of nowhere, heading to a random devil! ' ' (Y/N) was thinking to himself

' ' It's that place, right over there! ' ' Power had shouted at Denji and (Y/N).

' ' Okay, let's go! ' ' Denji yelled back.

On the way to the devil, Power muttered something to herself.

' ' Humans.. So unamusing. ' '

' ' Huh, what was that? ' '

' ' Twas nothing. ' '

' ' Didn't you say if the devil sees you, it'll kill your cat? ' '

' ' Was that what I said? I can't remember.. ' '

Power suddenly formed a mallet from her blood, and swung at Denji. He had felt something was off, and swung his axe at her, but she staggered him with her speed.

Power dragged Denji into the house that the devil was in.

' ' Hey.. wait.. What's she doing? ' ' (Y/N) said.

(Y/N) had stayed behind to keep watch, and Power had forgotten about him.

He hesitated, but ran after them after he saw what happened.

' ' Blood devil! I thought you'd run away! You took so long to bring me fresh meat. ' '

You hid near the door of the house, making sure you were unseen. 

' ' Finally! A human to eat! It's been ages. ' '

The devil bit Denji, and he woke from his trance.

' ' Hey! What the HELL! ' ' Denji had screamed.

The devil spit out what he'd bitten off of him. 

' ' This is disgusting! Blood devil, how dare you bring me a gross tasting human! ' '

' ' A human is a human, bat devil! Give me Meowy back, we made a deal! ' '

' ' Fine. You want to be with your cat so bad? Then go see him! ' ' 

The bat devil grabbed Power and put her in his mouth.

Denji saw this, and bit the devil to drink it's blood.

' ' Hey, stop! I have no interest in you, disgusting human! ' '

' ' Spit them out! Now! ' ' Denji yelled.

The bad devil laughed.

' ' I think not! ' '

He then broke through the celling, and flew away.

After (Y/N) saw this, he ran into the room.

Denji and (Y/N) gave each other a look, then they both ran after them.

Denji had pulled the cord that was implemented into his chest, summoning a chainsaws on his arms and head. (Y/N) started using his devil powers, smothering his head and arms with flames.

They both yelled: ' ' Gimme back my boobs! ' ', And, ' ' Give Power back! ' '

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