Chapter 23: It's a Joke

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Stella's POV

I paced around the room as I heard a Darkling roar on the other side of the door. The walls rattled as if someone threw themselves against it. Whatever war was out there, I just prayed it wouldn't come here.

Fear consumed me as I backed up against the wall, far from the door. I did not know what threats were coming, nor did I know how long I would stay. Those and many other questions swirled around my mind, consuming my thoughts.

Another roar echoed the room, this time it sounded closer. As my heart raced as I stared at the door, expecting the beast to charge in it. But slowly the roars became distant again, telling me it passed.

I walked to the door and rattled the handle, hoping that it was unlocked. However, when the door refused to open, I knew I would be here for a while.

Graywick told me he would return, but when would that be? I needed to go back to Jackson. My school was on the line and my family would worry. I couldn't stay here forever. I wasn't from Churchwell. This wasn't my home.

I gave a frustrated sigh, then walked to the large window in the room. My eyes scanned out the window, hoping to find any hint of what was happening. Instantly, I saw a large black bird flying around the deserted grounds. It crowed, then landed right outside my window. As the bird looked into the window, I backed up. It was much larger than I originally thought it was.

Its wingspan must have been as long as I was tall. It crowed again as its black wings glittered in the sun, turning a purple color. As it looked into my room, it met my eyes, then looked at the ground.

I felt like it wanted to talk to me somehow. "What do you want?" I asked it, waiting for a response.

It cried again, then flapped its wings, taking off into the air. It soared high for a moment before landing on the ground, changing shape entirely. Its black feathers were replaced with a black cloak, its wings were replaced with arms. The bird had turned into a human in a blink of an eye.

It did not look up into my window as it walked into the castle. But that caused me to lean out the window and call out to it.

"Hey! Come back!" I shouted; however, it did not stop the cloaked figure from walking into the castle, vanishing from view.

There was something about that bird that seemed familiar. It felt like it wanted to talk to me, but it was gone too quickly for me to make out what it wanted to say.

Breaking me from my thoughts was when I heard someone call out my name. It was muffled, but it sounded worried.

I turned my attention to the door, hoping I would hear my name again. I was sure I didn't imagine it. Beyond that door, someone was calling me. My feet flew across the floor until I was in front of the door.

"Stella?!" I heard Gray's voice rang out.

Excitement filled me. He was here looking for me. Else must have told him somehow. All my insecurities faded from my mind as my knees got weak thinking he came for me.

"Gray! I'm here!" I screamed through the door, hoping he would hear me.

Out of everyone here, I trusted him the most. He was the one that could help me. I needed him. It felt so foolish to have trusted Graywick when I knew of all the things he had done. Graywick couldn't be trusted with the Umbra Mortine, but I could trust Gray.

"Stella?" Gray shouted again, snapping me from my thoughts.

This time, I pounded on the door with my fists. "I'm here!" I called out to him.

"Stella!" Gray's voice rang out from the other side of the door. "Are you in there?"

"I'm here! But the door is locked."

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