Chapter 2: I like loners

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My goal is to post twice a week but with a full school and work schedule, I am not sure if I can accomplish this. Here's to hoping! Also look out for the <>!

Lots of love,


Stella POV

"You don't want me to go in there?" dad asked as he rolled down his window to look at me.

The last thing I needed was my father coming in making me look incompetent. I was almost an adult, I didn't need him to walk in with me. That was no way to make a good first impression. Sorry, not going to happen. "I think I got it. But thanks for the offer."

"Ok! Sounds good. Just call if you need any help," he said, eager to leave so he could get into his fancy law firm. It's small actions like this that confirmed that I was just impeding on their life that they had set here.

I smiled at him, then left without another word into the school I knew nothing about.

Checking in with the front desk was easier than I thought it would be and minutes later, I had a class schedule in hand walking down a nearly empty hall.


With my head held high, I walked into the first class I had and walked straight to the teacher. My mom always told me to make a good impression I had to seem like an adult. I needed to respect the teacher if they wanted to respect me. "I'm Stella," I said to the man behind the desk waiting for his student to come in.

"Ah, the new girl. Great to meet you. I'm Mr. Thompson. I made a packet for you to catch up since school started over two weeks ago," he said as he handed me a stack of papers that were bound together with a paper clip.

"Thank you," I said as I put them into my backpack.

"Of course. So would you like to introduce yourself to the class? Or would you like me to do that?"

"If you would be great if you could introduce me."

"Ok, suit yourself. Well go ahead, take a seat. Any seat will do. Just find one."

"Thanks," I said as I sat in the first seat that was open.

Before long, students started to pour into the classroom. Before they found their seats, all stopped to stare at me for a second as if they had never seen a new girl before. And maybe they hadn't. Maybe I was something completely new to them, but that thought didn't set me at ease. I was never a popular girl, I never had many friends, but as they stared at me I couldn't help but feel like they wanted to be friends with me solely because I was something completely exotic.

"So you're new?" a girl asked as she slid into a seat beside me. She smiled as she brushed her bleach blond hair off her shoulders. She was the first person who said something to me but I wasn't sure if I wanted her to state that.

"Yup. New girl, that's me. They should give me a badge or something for this."

She chuckled as if my sarcasm was enjoyable. "Now that would be cool. Anyhow, I'm Alice."

"Nice to meet you. I'm Stella."

"So where are you coming from, Stella? We don't get many new people attending school so sorry if it's too personal."

"No, not a problem at all! I'm from LA."

"Ooh, I've been there once. Saw the Hollywood sign and stars. It was pretty awesome."

Of course, she would say the most typical things to do in the city, but my favorite things in LA were far from what she would enjoy seeing, I was sure of that. "Yeah, I would say LA is pretty awesome."

They Came In HoodiesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora