Chapter 21: Stronger

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Stella's POV

The first thing I was aware of was the sound of a fire crackling.

I opened my eyes and saw Graywick throwing a log into the fireplace in the large bedroom I was in. Franticly I looked around the room as I remembered the fight we had in the library.

The color vanished from the room. It was like I sucked it from the space, consuming it like fuel for a fire. And just when I got the upper hand, Graywick took control. I thought he was going to kill me. He stood over me like he loathed me, that he would finish me without a thought. But in the library, that was not me. I felt as if darkness consumed me, and I liked it. I wanted it. That power sucked me in and for a moment, I wanted to kill him and soak in that power for as long as I could. That thought alone scared me more than being here alone in this room with Graywick.

"How are you?" Graywick asked as he turned to me. His calm look appearance made me wonder if that fight in the library was just a dream. It felt so real that I thought it was real. But if it was, when why was I not chained up? Why did he look as calm as he had been since I arrived?

"ok," I mumbled as I sat upright in bed, feeling my head spin. It caused me to wince. My body felt achy, actually more than achy. I felt like I was hit by a bus.

That made me believe that what happened at the library actually happened. It would explain why I was so exhausted.

He smiled as he walked closer to the bed. "Good to hear. You have been sound asleep for a while. Looks like you needed it."

I nodded as I tried to wake myself up. "How long have I been asleep for?"

"A while. It's Monday."

The single fact alone caused me to jump out of my bed. Monday. I shouldn't be here any longer. Soon my parents would look for me once I didn't come home from school. And they would not find me.

I knew this was a bad idea. I should have known that the Umbra Mortine wouldn't be an easy fix. Who was I thinking this would be fixed by the weekend?

"I have been asleep for a whole day?" I gasped.

There was no time to waste. I needed to go back to Jackson. I had to go to school. My parents would be too worried.

"Yes, you slept a lot. More than I thought you would."

I slipped on my snow boots, which were by the bed. "I have to go back to Jackson."

"I don't think that is a smart idea."

His comment felt more like a threat than anything. It caused me to freeze and stare at him for a moment before voicing my concern. "And why not?"

"The Umbra Mortine is only growing stronger within you. You need to be here where we can monitor you. It is safer for your loved ones if you stay."

"So, am I a prisoner?" I demanded. Just like Else, I was stuck here against my will. I should have known this would happen. I couldn't trust Graywick.

"No, you can leave at any time."

"Good, then I want to leave," I stated as I tried to pass him, but he held out his hand to block me from leaving the room.

"But I would like to mention, I would not recommend you to leave so soon."

I glared at him as I felt my anger boil beneath my skin. "The longer I stay, the more my parents will worry. Staying here is not a smart idea. You don't even have the answers. So why don't I come back next weekend?"

He sighed as he chewed on my words. Slowly, he put down his arm, accepting my idea. "If that is what you want..."

"That is exactly what I want."

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