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The machine stretched in front of Tanjiro like a giant demon. But this wasn't one he could kill by cutting off its head. No, this demon he needed to work with to destroy. He needed to balance perfectly in its center. But his master hadn't trained him for this. No one had.

Succeeding in this was as likely a fish trying to breathe air.

Or me trying to breathe water.

Tanjiro bolted up in bed, gasping and clutching at his throat. The air tasted sweet and fresh on his tongue, like he hadn't been breathing for a while.

That was close. What kind of dream would possess me to stop breathing?

He tried to remember the details, but they were faded already. Something about a sword? And Nezuko fighting a giant person? No, not a person, a demon? He laughed to himself. Titans were a lot like demons, but that was still a strange comparison for his brain to make.

He rolled out of bed, making up his mind in a split second to continue practicing. But he had no one to practice with, he realized. Although, hadn't Eren been having trouble too? Although he didn't really like the boy, they could probably help each other out.

Then there was Nezuko, but as they discovered on Urokodaki's mountain, she couldn't wake up during the night, due to her titanous side. It had scared him half to death the first time, when he'd tried to wake her up and she hadn't responded for hours until the sun rose and, with it, her eyes opened.

He shook the memory away. There was no time to reminisce about his days on his master's mountain, not when he still hadn't made Urokodaki proud.

He ran out of his barracks and over to Eren's, cracking the door open, but the boy's bed was empty.

Where is he?

Tanjiro sniffed the air, following the scent of anger and fear that he'd recognized as Eren all the way three barracks down to the one where the shaved-head boy he'd found out was named Conny, and the horse-faced boy, Jean, stayed. He also recognized Eren's scent, as well as Armin's, but he couldn't tell if Mikasa was there or not. He'd recognized the scent of devotion from her, but it was such a weak smell it was hard to pick out.

"Guys, I'm begging you here!" Eren's voice cried as Tanjiro walked up to the door.

"But," Conny argued, "didn't you say yesterday something like, "people who aren't strong enough should leave?" And you punched that weak yellow haired kid who couldn't balance either."

"Why don't you punch yourself," Jean said mockingly, "and then go where all the weak people go?"

"I think that's quite enough," Tanjiro snapped, pushing the door open. "We're all trying our best here, to fight the titans. I understand you not wanting to help him, but don't mock him for it."

"Hey! It's the head-but kid!" Conny cried, grinning. "Can you do it again? I want to watch it!"

"Eren, Armin, these guys clearly aren't going to help you," Tanjiro decided to ignore him. "Come with me."

"No way!" Eren snapped. Tanjiro turned, confused.

"No way?"

"You failed too! There's no way a weakling like you could help me!"

"Eren!" Armin scolded.

"I heard Reiner and Ber—beth—Betrothed—" he shook his head, "the other guy are really good! Armin, we should visit them."

"But..." Armin glanced between his friend and Tanjiro worriedly.

"It's okay," Tanjiro sighed. "You can go. Good luck." With that he turned and left the barrack, heading for the machines again.

Shingeki no Yaiba (Demon Slayer x Attack on Titan crossover)Where stories live. Discover now