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The rest of the day they spent in the stables, getting acquainted with the horses and working out wherever Shadis checked in on them.

For the first few hours more and more cadets that had introduced themselves wrong or insulted Shadis in some way came through the doors, bruised and battered to run or do push ups. A couple helped out with the horses between their punishments, talking and chatting. Thomas Wagner was one of those who Tanjiro really connected with; a nice guy around his age whose personality was nothing if not vanilla.

After what seemed like days, the bell rang again and everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Dinner time. They filled out and walked quickly to the food building where they lined up to revive their soup and bread.

Tanjiro and Nezuko sat together with Zenitsu, and a little while later a couple others joined their table.

"Hey, is what you said really true?" a guy whose hair was almost completely shaved off asked. "About the jaw thing?"

"Yep," Tanjiro lied again. Lying had been a painful activity for him before the wall broke, but after everything he'd seen, a little white lie seemed like nothing to protect the people he loved.

"That's crazy! How does she eat?" The guy next to him asked. He had light hair and a face shaped not unlike one of the horses Tanjiro had been tending to.

"Ah, it's a messy process so she likes to do it in private." He pointed at her dinner, which was untouched. "She'll eat that later."

"Messy? Messy how?" someone asked as more cadets crowded around their table.

"Can she talk?"

"How do you know what she's thinking?"

"Do you think she can succeed in the scouts?"

"How strong is she?"

"Or did you just say that to defend her?"

"What crushed her jaw?"

"Is she dating anyone?"

The last question made Tanjiro flush and yelp, "no! She's just my little sister!"

"Aww, shame!" The cadets laughed and Tanjiro scooted closer to his sister, frowning protectively.

"Is it true you're from Shiganshina?" someone asked, making Tanjiro look over. But the freckled boy wasn't asking him, he was asking Eren, who nodded and took a sip of his soup.

"So you saw the Colossal and Armoured Titans!" someone else cried. "What were they like?"

Eren shrugged. "They really weren't that special. The Colossal was just big."

"How big?" Thomas asked, leaning in with the others in excitement.

"Big enough to look over the wall." Eren's scent was that of arrogance, so much that it was almost about to cover the fear underneath.

"What? I heard it stepped over them?"

"I did too!"

"Yeah, that was the rumor in my village also!"

Eren shook his head, annoyed. "Nah, it wasn't that tall."

"What did it look like?" Tanjiro recognized the girl who had been standing near him in the line up. Mina Carolina, was it?

"It had a huge mouth and barely any skin," Eren described calmly, taking another sip of his soup.

"So—what were the normal Titans like?" someone murmured.

Fear. A scent of fear so strong it made Tanjiro cough, choking on his bread filled the room as Eren's spoon fell into his dinner with a splash. He gasped lightly, clapping a hand over his mouth while the crowd around him waited with bated breath.

"Hey, I think that's enough," Tanjiro called, standing up.

"He's right," a freckled boy agreed. "We're sorry for asking so many—"

Eren grabbed his spoon again angrily, interrupting, "don't be!" The fear was still there, but it was mixed with strong anger and determination.

The crowd gasped and Eren continued, "the Titans aren't that tough at all!" He took an aggressive bite out of his bread. "If we can master the ODM gear, they won't be able to stand a chance!"

"This guy..." the horse-faced boy next to Tanjiro growled, making Zenitsu squeak in surprise. Tanjiro sat back down but watched the two of them, worried a fight might break out.

"I was just so excited, I lost myself for a moment." Eren gave his spectators a driven smile. "I'm joining the Survey Corps so I can wipe the titans off the face of the earth! I'll kill them all and—"

"Hey, are you nuts?" the other boy asked as he leaned on one hand comfortably. "Did you just say you wanted to join the Survey Corps?"

"Yeah, I did." Eren stiffened, glaring at him. And you said you wanted to join the Military Police and take it easy, right Jean?"

Jean smiled, obviously ready to pick a fight. "I'm no liar, I'm a straight talker. Unlike someone who pretends to have balls of steel, even when he's about to piss himself."

"Hey! That's going too far!" Tanjiro tried, pushing himself back up again. Nezuko watched him silently from her spot next to him.

The scent of fierce anger made him whip towards Eren, who had stood up, glaring down at Jean. "Are you talking about me?"

"Hey, stop it," Armin tried meekly.

"Listen, I didn't..." Jean got to his feet, walking until Eren and him were standing face to face, one glaring and the other smiling tauntingly.
Tanjiro started towards them but Zenitsu grabbed his hand. The boy had been so quiet Tanjiro had mostly forgotten he was there, but now he stopped him with a terrified expression.

    "W—we shouldn't interfere!" he hissed. "We c—could get in trouble!"

Tanjiro pulled his hand away without hesitation. "I have to stop this."

But just as he was about to push the two apart or head-but anyone who went too far the bell rang again, signaling everyone to return to their barracks.

Jean sighed, putting out a hand. "I'm sorry. I wasn't trying to start anything. Peace?"

Eren thought, his Eren decreasing, then sighed as well and slapped it with his own.

"Sure. I'm sorry too."

Shingeki no Yaiba (Demon Slayer x Attack on Titan crossover)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant