Episode 3: Meeting The Rest

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"Here, let me help you with that," Lloyd said taking your bag from you as you both walked to lunch. You both met in the hallway coincidentally and Lloyd decided you needed help.

"You don't need to do that-"

"You broke your leg," Lloyd deadpanned, quickly shutting you up. You both got to the cafeteria when Lloyd asked if you wanted to sit with him and his friends.

"Well, it's only if you want to! You don't need to," Lloyd blurted out as quickly as he said it. You smiled softly.

"Sure, okay."

Lloyd grinned as he led you to his friends, still carrying your bag.

"Hey, guys!" He exclaimed happily.

"Hey," Cole said before looking at you, "this is Y/N?"

"You talk about me?" You joked, Lloyd spluttered. 

"Wha- No-" Lloyd sighed, "uh... Yeah, it's cause you don't hate me like everyone else." It was sort of the truth, he talked about you once or twice, and that time you jumped out the window.

"Well I'm honored," You mused as you sat down, Zane making space for you. Lloyd left to get lunch and when he went all attention was on you.

"Whole school seems to be talking about how you jumped out of a window to save a kid, but then proceed to talk to Lloyd," Kai snorted. 

"I don't get how those two are connected to each other," You say as you open your lunch box, mmm, your favorite.

"Me neither, but you don't see anyone jumping out of a window every day," Nya comments.

"Yeah, actually there's camera footage from a helicopter that just so happened to be there and it was actually really impressive!" Says Jay.

"Wait really?"

"Yeah, it's not focused on you, but some kids noticed it and posted it all over social media saying, 'Next Ninja?'" Cole says, air-quoting the next ninja part.

"Anyways... Back to what we were talking about before you were here. Who's your favorite Ninja?" Nya questioned, pointing her hand at you.

"Errr..." At this rate, you wouldn't even be able to take a bite of your food! "Well, I haven't seen them all yet, only the red one, so I'd have to say... Red?"

"Hah!" Laughed Kai before getting hit on the head by Nya.

"What's your relationship with Chen and Maggie?" Zane asks out of nowhere. Suddenly, the atmosphere at the table isn't so cheerful anymore.

"Uh- Well, I wouldn't say we're friends. Just that I sat with them at lunch one time."

"Hey," Lloyd said sitting down, the mood suddenly becoming lighter, "what were you guys talking about?"

"Oh, nothing, just who's Y/N's favorite ninja!" Nya exclaims, everyone else nodding.

"Oh, who is your favorite ninja?" He asks, turning to you.

"It's m- the red one!" Kai butts in.

"That's only because they've only seen the red one," Jay says shaking his head at the accidental slip-up.


"So, suspicious or not?" Cole asks.

"Guys..." Lloyd sighs as stuffs his face in his hands.

"What? It's not every day someone is nice to you!" Cole points out.

"I think they're good," Zane chimes in.

"Me too!" Jay adds.

"I don't know, they're a bit suspicious," Nya says, "how about you Kai?"

"Well I'd like to say yeah, but Zane's the robot."

"How dare you, I'm a wild teen."

"I think we should watch them more before we make an assumption."

"Yeah, I think that's a good idea."


"Sooo, what made you decide to be friends with our little Lloyd?" Kai asks.

"I thought we were just trying to watch over them," Nya whispers to her brother.

"Actually, I'm trying to make small talk," Kai retorts.

"Would you like a pastry bun?" Zane asks to distract you from them.

"Oh- sure!" 

"So, my question?"

"Hmm, well I wouldn't say we're fully friends yet, more acquaintances, but he looked pretty lonely. Emphasis on pretty," You explain.

"Aha," Kai nods.


Awkward silence...


"Oh, uh- See you guys!" You exclaim as you gather your belongings. They all watch you drop your stuff on the way out and look at each other.

"I'll go," Cole says and goes to help you.


Lloyd feels good, he has someone who doesn't hate him, and no one's said something particularly mean to him! He's just having a good day.

Until the Garmadon alarm blares.

He sighs and runs to his locker before stopping, he sees you (and your broken leg) and sighs.

"Y/N!" You turn to face him and he stops, "need help?"


"Green! You're late!"

"Sorry guys just had to help someone!"

"Help? Who would even want your help? No offense," Jay asks, he hears him sigh and says none taken.

"I think it might've been Y/N considering you two are on good terms," Zane chimes in.

"Oh yeah, that makes more sense," Cole nods.

[a/n: I REALLY did not know how to write this one, so its just full of snippets]

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2022 ⏰

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