Episode 1: New Student From The Countryside.

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It's been 15 years since you were born, and you've confirmed that this place is Ninjago. Movie Ninjago more specifically. However, you didn't live in the main area of Ninjago. You lived in a small village called Jamanakai Village.

"Michael honey?"

You turned around to see your lego parents.

"We've been thinking of moving to the main area of Ninjago so you could get a better education," Your dad informed.


You were secretly hoping you could've lived a decently normal life this time around.

"We've already got a house ready to go, we just need to get our stuff and sell the house before we leave," Your mom continued.
You had finally moved into your new home and it was time to start a new school life, you packed your bag and put on your shoes.

"Bye, mom! Bye, dad! Love you!"

"Love you too sweetheart!" One of them exclaimed

You walked up to the bus stop where you went on your phone, waiting for the bus to come. Someone walked up near you, waiting for the bus as well. You looked over, and low and behold, it was Lloyd Garmadon in all his glory!

"Hello!" He greeted you and the others, he was... Really awkward. However, you smiled and gave him a small wave which made him raise his eyebrows.

When the bus came everyone stopped when Lloyd got on, sitting on the other side of the bus. You, however, who weren't scripted by the movies to hate Lloyd, sat a seat above him. I mean... Sitting next to him would've been awkward and suspicious.

After an excruciating amount of time- no thanks to the kids weighing the bus down, you got off, heading to the principal's office.
"Hello, you must be Michael Pham, I have your schedule right here," says the principal, giving you a sheet of paper with periods and times as well as the locker combo at the bottom, "now if you come with me I'll show you how to open the lockers."
Unfortunately for you, they didn't give out a tour, just gave you some books and dipped. Now you were running around your History class.

Room number 51...

Room number 56...

Room number 60!

You entered the class with just a minute to go. As you stepped in all eyes snapped to you before going back to whatever they were doing.

"Ah yes, come up, ATTENTION CLASS!" The teacher exclaimed with only some paying attention, "we have a new student. Please welcome Michael!"

It was embarrassing introducing yourself, but you did.

"Alright Michael, we have one free spot open. Two technically, but it's taken by someone else and they're not here. So you'll have to sit next to..." The teacher sneered in disgust, "Lloyd..."

You nodded, walking away and sitting beside Lloyd, not paying much mind.

"Alright class, let's have you go into your groups and work on your presentation!" The teacher announced and as soon as they said that groups started forming everywhere around the room. When all the groups were formed, the teacher walked up to you.

"Since you're new I can assign you to become a group of three," The teacher informed, you looked at Lloyd who was alone and pondered.

"How about him?" You questioned, pointing at Lloyd. Suddenly, all eyes were on you, including Lloyds.

"Are- Are you sure?" The teacher asked.

"Why not? He looks like he doesn't have anyone," You explained.

I Don't Like You *legofies you* [Movie!Lloyd/Reader]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora