Cote AU idk

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I was bored and tried to write something

/// - Consequences and the non-existent clown 

??: Hey you

Ayanokouji turned around to look at the black haired girl

??: Why were you looking at me?

He just looked at her for a few seconds before he sighs 

Ayanokouji: Did you really stop me because I looked at you for 2 seconds?

??: Answer my question!

Ayanokouji (This is just stupid) 

He starts to walk away while the black haired girl tries to stop him

??: Wait, I didn't give you permission to walk awa-

Ayanokouji quickly stops while placing his foot to the side tripping the girl and making her fall down

??: Agh 

He didn't bother to look at her since he started to walk again faster towards the gymnasium 

*time skip*

Ayanokouji was sitting in his seat while the black haired girl who's name is Horikita was glaring at him before ignoring him and started to read a book 

After a few minutes of looking at the view outside the window, the teacher arrived and started to explain a few things

Sae: Does anybody have any questions?

Ayanokouji raises his hand: Teacher, is the merit you talked about individual or as a group?

Most of his classmates looked at him confused or laughed at him

Sae (you really are special, I'll finally become class A)

Sae couldn't hold back her smile: I can't answer that question, do you have anything else to ask?

Ayanokouji: No

Sae (W- what? no! what the hell are you doing, those idiots will mess up if you don't reveal everyth- wait maybe he needs more time? yes, that must be it, since he asked about merit he must want to be at the top) 

Sae: If that's all then I'll excuse myself

After she left, Hirata got up from his seat

Hirata: Why don't we introduce ourselves?

It went alright until a red haired guy got angry and left

A few of the students including Ayanokouji left as well

Hirata: ah don't you want to introduce yoursel-

but Ayanokouji already left the classroom

Hirata (I wanted to ask him what he meant about the merit-)

He didn't get to finished when a blonde haired girl started to hug his arm

??: Let's just ignore them if they're not interested 

*time skip*

Ayanokouji finished checking his dorm and started to walk towards a convenience store 

Ayanokouji (It's a good thing I checked the dorm first since now I know what I need so I won't waste points) 

He bought what he needed while also getting a cup of instant ramen

While he was about to eat on a nearby bench, a group of students approached him 

??: Oi first year, from which class are you from?

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