The Interesting Kohai 4

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After they arrived at Kiyo's room, Fuka was sitting on his bed while Kiyo was putting away the things they bought 

Fuka: Kiyo come sit here since we have time until dinner how about we talk *she asks with a smile while slowly patting the head telling him to sit near her*

Kiyo: Oh seems like you want to know something? 

Fuka: Hehe yup I want to know how you and horikita-senpai know eachother

Kiyo: It isn't an interesting story you know

Fuka: Come on or how about this i'll reward you later if you tell me what do you say?

Kiyo: alright well let's see where do I start

*Kiyo explained about Horikita and Manabu and how he accidentally found them 'talking' at night then when it was about to get serious Kiyo stopped Manabu and then it was revealed how Manabu knew him because he got 50 on the entrance exams*

Fuka: Hahahaha you seem like you have bad luck heh and wait why did you think getting 50s on the exam will not draw attention?

Kiyo: Well I didn't want to get max neither low scores so that's why I decided to get 50 but it backfired *sigh*

Fuka: Well of course it would be hard to think everything could be a coincidence ohh and what did Horikita-senpai did when you stopped him at night since I doubt you talked right away

Kiyo: I guess you saw right through huh well he tried to backhand me when I grabbed his arm but I dodged after a few more tries he asked if I practice something

Fuka: I didn't expect that wait what did you say to him?

Kiyo: Piano and Calligraphy

*Fuka couldn't believe he said that with a serious voice so he started laughing*

Fuka: Imagining that it's too funny now then Since we still have time how about I reward you? *she asks while smirking*

Kiyo: What do you have in mind? *tilting his head*

Fuka then started to sit on her lap while making a hand signal that said place your head here*

Kiyo: Hm? 

Fuka: I'll give you a lap pillow as a reward

Kiyo: Are you sure?

Fuka: Come on or are you embarrassed? *smirking*

Kiyo: A bit *then he placed his head on her thighs closing his eyes while Fuka was playing with his hair*

Fuka: So how is it?

Kiyo: quite nice 

Fuka: I see then I'll let you stay like this until dinner but I'll play with your hair for a bit  

Kiyo: Is it really that much fun playing with my hair?

Fuka: Of course hehe

*After about 3 hours of sleeping Kiyo woke up and he saw Fuka smiling at him*

Fuka: ohh you're awake so ready to eat something?

Kiyo: Sure then let's start making dinner

*When they finished lessons for today Fuka said she wanted to eat dinner in his room*

*While eating they started to have a small talk*

Fuka: The midterms will soon start and I know you can pass but what scores are you planning to get?

Kiyo: Well I'm not sure at first I was going for a 56 but now I guess I'll go for a 97 

Fuka: haha I can imagine the reactions of your classmates 

Kiyo: Yeah it's gonna be troublesome but I don't care that much 

Fuka: Then could I take it as you showing up as having fun?

Kiyo: Something like that anyway what will you do now Fuka?

Fuka: hm?

Kiyo: It's almost 8 and it won't be go- 

Fuka: Come on what's the harm in sleeping here orr did you think of something else? *she asks while smirking*

Kiyo: nothing like that and are you sure you want to sleep here?

Fuka: You already know my answer 

*after they finished eating they watched a movie on Kiyo's dorm computer after 1 hour and 30 min they went to sleep*


When Kiyo waking up he noticed Fuka was using his shower so he decided to make breakfast for both of them*

(I tried searching for a new pic of fuka and kiyo together and ohhh boi did I find greatness )

After they ate they went to their own class while for Fuka was a normal day but still asked questions by second years girls about Kiyo,  while he wasn't so lucky as we was bombarded with questions about the SC*

Thanks for reading and I'm not sure how to expand the plot for this one since I only want to have Kiyo and Kiryuuin moments like spending time together  since they're both monsters in a way so there's no point for special exams in this one 

Also I want to ask for your help if you know this

How many points each class has at the end of the first midterms the island exam then the sport festival (I know I don't think I'll get  there with 'Similar yet Different' but I'll try and also should I introduce Kushida in that story like Kiyo and Matsushita find out about her secret? since I already made it so Manabu doesn't know much about Kiyo in the 'Similar yet Different' story)

Also should I try to make a small story with Asahina and Kiyo?

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