Was that always there?

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Edit: This chapter is old (I stopped hating Ichinose and started to hate Kei when I wrote this chapter a few months ago)

This happens during vol 11.5 (Before the 3rd years were supposed to leave,  the school sent a message to everyone to gather at the Gymnasium)

Attention all the students of ANHS, please gather at the Gymnasium in 10 minutes*

Kiyo POV

I look at my phone while wondering if this is one of Tsukishiro's (?) schemes to expel me

*sigh* well I can think about it when I get there 


All the students gathered and sat down at their assigned seats while each class 'reps' were seating in the front row but what surprised everyone is that the sit for class 1D rep  was assigned to Ayanokouji Kiyotaka 

(I know they should be class 2D but since the 3rd years didn't leave yet, they're still class 1D) 

Horikita: Hm? Excuse me but why is this seat assigned to Ayanokouji-kun?

R Def: Yeah after all Horikita is the leader 

R def2: Do you think the school messed up?

Ryuuen and Arisu were smiling enjoying the situation

Tsukishiro: The school evaluated each class's individuals and we decided that Ayanokouji Kiyotaka is the most talented in class 1D

Class D: Ehhhh?

Ryuuen: Hahaha what's the matter Suzune? Are you mad that your orbiter is better than you? 

Arisu: Fufu This is quite interesting but at least the school isn't that blind 

Kanzaki: What do you mean Sakayanagi-san?

Tsukishiro: Everyone calm down and let me explain 

*Everyone was sitting down while most class D were glaring at Kiyo because he's considered the most talented in class D*

Tsukishiro: Now I hope everyone remembers that the last exam was a bit special, by that I mean the results were sent to a few Government officials 

*Almost everyone was surprised by this*

Tsukishiro: Not only that but they were very interested by the match between Sakayanagi Arisu of class 1A and Ayanokouji Kiyotaka of class 1D

*Many students were shocked and started to talk with each other*

Nagumo: Haha they were interested in something like that? didn't they just played chess? *Said Nagumo which was sitting to the right side of Kiyo* 

(The class reps were sitting in a row starting with 1A,B,C,D then starting with 2A,2B, so by that logic to the left of Kiyo was Ryuuen followed by Ichinose)

Edit: I don't remember the ranks for the first years at the end of Y1 so Ryuen is class C in vol 11.5 in this fic (and yes I'm too lazy to check)

Tsukishiro: Yes they did play chess but the level they showed was that of GM (I don't play chess and not sure about ranks so don't hate me)

 Everyone: Ehh? that high?

Ichinose: w- wow you're really amazing Kiyotaka-kun 

*Ichinose got targeted by Arisu and when Kiyo saved her, she asked him if they can call each other by their first names*  

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