Random stuff 7 (Horikita)

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//// - The new teacher 

Kiyo POV 

The paper shuffle exam ended 2 days ago and class D won 

My confrontation with Ryuuen was also getting closer but that's not important right now because Chairman Sakayanagi just entered the classroom while we were waiting for Chabashira-sensei 

Everyone in class D became quiet and was looking at the chairman who was sweating a lot 

Sakayapapa: *Ahem* Hello class D, I have come to inform you that your homeroom teacher Chabashira Sae was fired yesterday after a investigation 

Everyone was shocked by the news 

Horikita: Wh- what did she do? 

Sakayapapa: I can only say that she revealed information about a student  

A few of my classmates started to whisper to each other while Horikita became pale 

Hirata: Excuse me Sir but who will be our new teacher? 

Sakayapapa: I won't spoil it but I will warn you that your new teacher is very strict anyway please welcome the new homeroom teacher of class D Ay-

He didn't get to finished because the door opened revealing a man in his 40s with brown hair and a cold glare 

Everyone in class D became silent, even Koenji stopped looking at his mirror 

He scanned the class and when he spotted me his glare became stronger then he looked at the chairman 

Ayanopapa: Sakayanagi you can leave now 

The chairman only nodded and left the classroom while abandoning class D to the demon 

I also noticed that Horikita was completely frozen in place, perhaps she thought the strong glare was aimed at her 

I could wake her up to reality but this is the perfect time to get revenge for all the times she stabbed me with a compass so 

I got out my own compass and stabbed Horikita in her arm painfully 

Horikita: AHH what th- 

Horikita got up from her seat while glaring at me and everyone in the classroom was looking at us but 

Ayanopapa: Quiet pathetic low life

That man said while glaring at Horikita but I did notice the small smirk on his face 




anyway Horikita sat down while shivering 

Ayanopapa: Good, now then before we start the lessons I want to say that I checked your recent scores and 

All of my classmates were paying close attention to his words hoping for something good but 

Ayanopapa: I was completely shocked to see so many trashes in this school 

Many of my classmates wanted to complain but his glare shut them up except for 

Hirata: Um e- excuse me sir but that was a b- bit rude and what is your n- name? 

Ayanopapa: I only said the truth and you can call me Ayanokouji-sensei 

After he said that, most of my classmates started to look at me 

Haruka: Ehh Kiyopon is he perhaps your father? 

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