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//// - The curiosity of the Innocent? 2

Kiyo POV

I woke up and started to prepare for class 

Before leaving my room I looked in the mirror to check


The mark is still there

Not to forget that I also gave a few to Hiyori 

Well the plan was to only give her one hickey but when she let out a cute sound I couldn't stop myself 

Well it's good that nothing else happened 

(HornyKouji: No, it's bad that nothing else happened *sigh* )

I left the dorm and started walking towards the school

???: Yahooo Ayanokouji-kun 

Hm? I turned around and found Ichinose 

Kiyo: Morning 

Ichinose: Good Mo- 

She stopped talking and showed a shocked expression 

Is there som- ahh right the hickey 

Kiyo: You alright Ichinose? 

Ichinose: Ehh? ah y-yes but what is that on your n- neck 

Kiyo: A hickey 

Ichinose: Ehh?  since when do you have a lover?

Kiyo: Hm? since never

Ichinose: Eh? but you have a H- hickey

Kiyo: Yes but it was only a game I played with Hiyori 

Ichinose: With Shiina-san? ahh I see

Kiyo: Anyway shouldn't we start walking since we might be late?

Ichinose: Ahh yes 

After a while I parted with Ichinose and arrived at my classroom 

When I entered everyone looked at me for a second then looked away but

???: Ehhh? is that a Hickey? 

A few people noticed the mark on my neck and got the attention of the whole class 

I noticed some of the boys glaring at me, some were saying things like *Traitor* and such 

The girls were speechless while some of them were either sad or blushing 

I couldn't even walk towards my seat when most of the guys in the class gathered around me questioning me

I looked at Horikita for help however she only smirked at me and turned around 

I looked at Hirata for help but he was blushing 

wait what?

I was thinking of what I could do when

The door opened and someone shouted: There you are you bastard 

I turned around and found Ibuki Mio

Most of my classmates put some distance away from me when she was walking towards me

Kiyo: Morning, can I help you with som- 

I didn't get to finish because Ibuki aimed a fast kick to my area where my T-rex is sleeping

I quickly dodged backwards

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