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This takes place in vol 9 right after the training camp, Kiyo got back to the dorms and fell asleep since he was tired 

Part 2 can be found at *Random stuff 4 (kinda)*

Kiyo POV


I felt something weird so I woke up

I look to my left and saw a girl sleeping next to me?

Wait how did she get in here? 

I raised my head a bit and took a closer look at her

She had long brown hair, a beautiful face and she was wearing pajamas similar to mine 

I was searching my memory to see if I know her but nothing came to mind

(Kiyo memorized all the students of his grade in vol 8 If I remember right)

I'm also sure this is my room 

Not knowing what to do, I decided to try and get up from the bed but

A hand grabbed me and pinned me against the bed

The girl opened her eyes revealing beautiful golden eyes but also darkness in them similar to mine 

???: Who are you and what are you doing in my room?

Kiyo: Hm? what are you talking about? This is my room 

The girl started to increase the strength of her hold on me 

???: If you don't tell the trut-

Kiyo: I already said this is my room 

I told her while showing my true eyes 

She showed a small surprised face and lets go of me, after that she put some distance between us 

???: Who are you?

Kiyo: I'm Ayanokouji Kiyotaka, what about you?

???: Ayanokouji Kiyone 

Ayanokouji Kiyone? are we related? no before that 

Kiyo: What's the last thing you remember?

Kiyone: That I feel asleep right after coming back from the training camp 

Kiyo: Same here 

We stared at each other in confusion then 

The dorm-room suddenly transformed? into a glass room and around us were only clouds and the beautiful sun 

I looked down and saw nothing, The cube of glass was simply floating in the air 

I looked at the girl and she was also confused  

???: Ahh good you're both here

Suddenly someone appeared in front of us 

Both me and Kiyone took a defensive position 

???: Now now calm down and let me explain

???: I'm called Z and I'm what you would call a god 

I would think he's joking at first but after the floating glass room and suddenly teleporting in front of us 

Z: anyway I called you both here to help you 

Both Kiyos: Help us?

Z: Yes, you see she's Ayanokouji Kiyone the girl version of you while you're the boy version of hers 

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