oh no!!!!! :(

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tw: vomiting

🍀Nagito POV

I sigh, completely finished with my food. "Ah... Hajime?" Hajime looks to face me. "Do you go here often..?" "No, not exactly. I just kind of found out they had a Denny's around here and decided to try it out." "Ah, I see.." The awkward silence has returned once again, and is more deafening than last time. I look around in hopes to find a good topic, but my efforts prove futile. Suddenly, I start to feel lightheaded, a pounding sensation appearing in my head. "Aghh.." I hold my head. "Are you okay..?" Hajime stares at me, concerned. "Ah, Hajime, you shouldn't have to waste energy on trash like me for just a headache!" I wave my free hand in front of me, facing Hajime. "I'm not wasting energy for you, Nagito. I'm just trying to make sure you're not going to pass out again," I reassure Hajime that I'm not going to pass out again, but just as I said that..

*Gag* My cheeks puff up, trying to hold it in. I attempt to swallow it. Hajime looks at me, looking even more worried than before. "Ah, excuse me for a moment.." "Nagito, wait--!" I sprit to the bathroom, releasing any other vomit that may have been there. I wipe it off with the sleeve of my jacket, and go to wash both the sleeve and my hands. Suddenly, I rushed over to one of the stalls. My brain clicks and I realize what was happening. Ah, I wonder how my luck might handle this..

📄3rd Person

Hajime pauses, his hand still in the air in a motion signaling 'stop'. He lets his hand fall a bit, and then sits back down. Hajime looks down at his food, continuing to eat it. He looks at the food with a bit of a frown. "What's up with Nagito..?" he thought to himself. He sighs, hoping Komaeda would be okay. Chiaki opens her eyes finally. "Hehmmm.." she rubs her eyes a bit, looking at Hajime, at the place where Nagito was, and back at Hajime. "Did I miss anything?" "Yeah. Nagito seems not to feel well." She nods her head and decides to finally eat her soup. "So, Chiaki, have you played any new games recently?" She looks back at him, pausing for a moment.

"Hmm.. I think I've played a few recently. Mainly ARPGs with a simple premise, but other genres are mixed in I believe." "I see, so which one is your favorite so far?" "I'd maybe say 'Punch!'. It's basically just a macho-man style beat-em-up with RPG mechanics mixed in." "That seems like a pretty interesting game. Have you seen other games like it?" "Maybe, but I'm not sure. I'd probably have to go online to search up "RPG Beat-Em-Up" to find anything," "That makes sense." they both stop talking to each other for a little bit to eat their food. Hajime, now alone with his own thoughts, is still thinking of why and how Komaeda got sick. He knows he got the grand slam, but is unsure about how that might get him sick. Hajime finally remembers he has a phone and just searches up 'Grand Slam Denny's'. Before he can do more research, however, something peculiar happens; he smells smoke.

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