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—FOR SUCH A LIFE-CHANGING day, it started off pretty insignificant. But, then again, you never really know when something falls into that category. When it comes, it strikes fast, like getting hit by a bus, which is not fun if you've never experienced that.

As usual, the Apollo cabin awoke just before sunrise so they could watch their father's chariot run across the sky (it was an ego thing, she didn't really question it). Raven was an early riser anyway, and she always enjoyed sitting on the porch of cabin #7 with the rest of her half-siblings to watch the sunrise. Mornings in Camp Half-Blood were peaceful and idyllic, and it never failed to remind her of how lucky she was to be safe and have a home like she did.

Well, the term safe was subjective when you also went to camp with Ares offspring, but let's move past that.

Raven smiled at the sky, basking in the glory of the golden sunlight spilling across the horizon before she retreated inside when chariot breached the horizon. Her cabin mates jostled around her with energy and excitement while she changed into her usual attire and made her way towards the dining pavilion.

She loved wearing the orange camp t-shirt, but she also liked distinguishing herself by her clothing choices. It made her feel just a little but more significant in a cabin full of her half-siblings in the same situation she was.

The flock of Apollo kids crashed into the dining pavilion with as much grace and silence as a wave striking the beach during a storm. For kids that had raging OCD and strict organization in the ER, they sure could be chaotic when they wanted to. Though the pavilion was empty, she knew it wouldn't be long until the rest of the camp's population made an appearance.

Raven summoned herself a nice hot cup of black coffee and settled next to a young girl named Maisy and an older boy named Harry. Maisy smiled at her, pigtails swinging along with her feet that were far from reaching the ground, while Harry inclined his head for a greeting, nursing a cup much like her own.

Kids began filtering into their respective tables, and the quiet hum of chatter chased away the silence. After a while, Chiron stamped his hooves to gather the attention of the crowd before announcing the activities of the day. Raven smiled when he announced archery for Apollo, but immediately dropped it when he added on sword fighting.

"Oh, shit." She grumbled under her breath.

Maisy nudged the older girl's shoulder and wagged her finger. "That's a no-no word, Ray." She scolded, her small eyes alight with disappointment.

"Yeah," Harry chuckled, before schooling his features into a mock-serious one, "watch your mouth, Marenwell. There's a child here."

Deception | p.j.¹On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara