"You took him on," She said incredulously. "Alone?"

"I know it may come as a surprise to everyone on the planet, but I'm just that awesome." My gaze drifted to the steaming cup of coffee on the counter. "No need to thank me, it's my job..."

"At least he's gone." Pepper stood in front of me as I sat on the counter top. "You said you gave him to another Asgardian?"

"Mhm." I hummed in response as I took a sip of my coffee. Black, just the way I like it. "Real obnoxious, bitchy lady. She basically called me stupid then teleported off with the tesseract."

Pepper stood up on her tiptoes and gave me a brief, soft peck on the lips. "You did good, Tony. JARVIS, get Steve or someone up here."

"Aww," I pouted. "It can't just be us for a while?"

"Someone needs to tell S.H.I.E.L.D to stop patrolling the city as if a foreign army is waiting on America's doorstep."

"Fine." I sighed, taking another sip of coffee. My limbs felt heavy. I couldn't quite get to sleep last night. Ever since I went through that wormhole during the Battle of New York, I've just felt... off.

To my left, the elevator popped open and out stepped my good friend, Star spangled skinny jeans.

Steve was sporting a tight fitting pair that matched with the denim jacket he wore over his t-shirt.

He gave me a stiff nod. "Stark, you're late and your robot interrupted my lunch break."

"Mr. Rogers," JARVIS cut in. "I'd like to add that I do in fact have a name and don't take kindly to..."

"Mute." I interrupted his ranting. "You can thank me later, Cap. I caught Loki and shipped him off to Asgard. You're welcome."

Steve scowled. "How did you 'ship him' to Asgard?"

"Some lady friend of Thor's used the tesseract to take him." I explained, skipping over the part where she already had Loki in her hands and I did virtually nothing. "Threat neutralized."

"Stark," He said slowly, irritation seeping into his voice. "Thor said Loki might have a woman with him."

I scoffed. "When?"

Beside me, Pepper cut in. "It was in the briefing file Fury gave everyone! I thought you had this in mind already!"

"No one reads Fury's briefing files!" I protested as she shoved a black file with the S.H.I.E.L.D emblem in silver on the front at me.

My eyes flashed across the pages inside, my heart sinking as I read.

Loki was last seen in an Asgardian holding cell. It is highly likely that he is accompanied by another Asgardian. Accomplice is female, identity unknown. Magical abilities are probable.


"So, this is awkward." I bit my cheek at the condescending look on Steve's face. "I'd like to argue that it was less Loki had an accomplice and more the accomplice had Loki."

"You," Steve decided. "Are insufferable. Can you at remember what she looked like?"

"Sure," I easily conjured up an image of her in my head. "Pale, brunette girl with gray eyes and angled cheekbones." I took a breath and held my hand up about five feet ten inches from the ground. "She was about yay tall and can insult the shit out of you."

"If magic is probable," Pepper reasoned. "How do we know that is what she actually looks like? Loki can shape shift."

"We have no choice but to assume that's what she really looks like." Steve reasoned. "If we don't then we are right back at square one."

Your Majesty - Loki x OCWhere stories live. Discover now