That makes me swallow, looking away. I don't necessarily think I'm betraying his trust with Everest. But he won't see it that way. Especially because of how much him and Gray have warned me away from him, or that renowned friendship group in general. I do my best not to think about it.

"Only you would get into two fucking ivy leagues and not tell anybody." He shakes his head as we make our way off the field.

Three. I got into Yale too but I honestly just applied there to see if I could. I open my mouth to tell him but see no point, asides from sounding like a snob. I'm not going there anyways.

I'm happy with NYU. As much as I love calm countrysides, I want to explore city life too. I want out of this prim bubble that's wrapped around me, my whole life. To make my own name, to build my own confidence and work hard to become the person I want to be.

But one of my main considerations was not being too far from Azure. I hate the thought of leaving him in that manor, with nobody but a mother that forces him to grow up so quickly and brothers he doesn't resonate with. I fear that when I go, he'll lose the small bits of joy and childlike traits he has left. I want to see him a lot, so I didn't want to go too far.

But college is still a while away and I have time to properly think about it all.

Distantly, I hear whistles and cheers shouting out as someone hit a hole in one. Me and Sage both look over our shoulder and our eyes catch the small group, a far distance away. But in the midst of them, I know exactly who looks back to me.

Dean and his father are here all the time. My point stands true. Obnoxious assholes.

Normally, when his eyes meet mine, they're cold. But right now, they're icy and make goosebumps splatter over my neck. There's too much tension now because of what he knows. I haven't confided in Everest but it's only a matter of time before Dean makes a move.

He saw us. Me, naked, with just bedsheets around me. I shiver.

If he hasn't already told my family, it only means he has another aim in mind. Something he wants and with Dean Delaney, tension is like a game of chess. He's calculated and quick, easily able to swipe everything out from under you with manipulation.

All I know for sure, is that he won't let it go. All I hope, is that I don't suffer too much because of it.


Nothing makes me want to win the shit out of this soccer match more than the knowledge that Vy's up in the bleachers, watching.

College scouts are here so I need to focus. I haven't been notified of any acceptance to NYU yet, which is slightly terrifying me. Only for the fact that we're all planning to move soon. Ria doesn't know if she's been accepted to her scholarship programme yet so it's just a waiting game, I hope.

The opposing team called a time out so I jog across the field with the guys, looking to the bleachers. She's snagged that same spot at the back, sat between Ria and Val. She doesn't know I'm looking at her but god, I am looking at her. Only her.

Violet's smiling at whatever they're talking about, sat between the two of them. Honestly, their friendship settles some of my fucking concern because I know what Aurelie did, hurt her. She won't talk about it much but I can see it in the way she shrinks into herself at the thought of it.

Until that, the night was fucking perfect. I've been debating whether Violet Amory's driving me insane since that first day I talked to her. But I know it for sure. I am absolutely, positively mad for her.

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