(I) 5 - Season of Change

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A/N (MUST READ): Do be sure to take note of the dates every now and then because this will be the first and only time I will be saying that a large timeskip just occurred between segments (most of the time, it's between chapters, but there will be times there would be a somewhat large timeskip inside one chapter and that will occur if there's a line break)

Not part of the important note: Also, I've edited a paragraph in the Prologue, not something you need to see since I just reworded said paragraphs, I doubt anybody would notice the change even when they know this particular piece of information and is actively looking for it anyways, I might reveal the change at the Ending Arc notes, keyword: might


AFoS - Chapter 5
Season of Change

June 9, 47 - Rose's Household

*Almost 4 months Timeskip (Do read the A/N above if you haven't already)*

Arcene sighs, another boring and fruitless day of school done. Frankly, she just wants to just be done with all of this already but not only does she not know how but that would also attract so many attentions directed at her both good and bad, she does not want to deal with the problems with being popular at all

Dealing with cultural change and gender change are already troublesome in on itselves, she doesn't want another problem to latch on to her again, one much more troublesome than the last ones

So… She decided to stay low as much as possible, thankfully enough, she's been doing that even before she has her memories returned

And so, that leads to a mystery that she has so many assumptions and theories trying to answer it but still no evidence suggesting so. The mystery was 'Why did she have so many traits from her past life in the time before she had her memories back?

The first and obvious would be that "It's you, of course you would still retain your own personality traits, even people with amnesia would still act like when they still had their memories."

But, Arcene's circumstance is vastly different from that of having amnesia, she has a 100% different body than that of her past life, her brain should not hold any of her past life's personality traits even with her memories, maybe by some coincidence she could have a few similar personality traits but no, she does not only has a few, but she has so many that scratching it off as a mere coincidence would be foolish at best

The best answer Arcene could think of is that she retained said personality traits via the soul just like how she tried to explain why she still retains a few of her habits from her previous life, and said theory also explains as to why she still hasn't gotten an identity crisis, a mental breakdown, or an existential crisis

'I still don't get why I haven't even once had a mental breakdown or existential crisis despite receiving so much mind-blowing and reality shattering informations that would most likely make any normal and average person have a mental breakdown or existential crisis.' Arcene thought to herself

She really was an oddity huh? And that still hasn't changed even after she has reincarnated

"Hey Sum! Want to play a match of Ancient Tactics?" Arcene asked in a bored tone

Ancient Tactics was one of the very few games that she's confident that even after years has passed, she'd still be playing it or at the very least, be heavily engraved deep in her mind

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