(I) 3 - Lost Identity

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A/N: Heya! Yeah, this is not discontinued, shocked? Probably, probably not, but anyways, like I said in the announcement, chapters will most likely have a lot of time on between each post now that school is underway

And I didn't mentioned this in the announcement because there's a chance this was changed (which it did, in a way), there was a rule thatphones are not allowed in school, well it now changed to phones should only be used in emergencies, essentially, you cannot use your phone unless you really need it... So yeah... Basically the same thing in my eyes

Also, one last thing, I added something in Chapter 1 since I forgot to do that before, it's just 'Arc 1 start' and the name of the arc, I will do that everytime a new arc starts or finishes


AFoS - Chapter 3
Lost Identity

February 18, 47 - Rose's Household

Arcene slowly opens her eyes as she slowly awakens

"Mmmhhmm..." Arcene groans, not really in the best mood right now

And then she realizes that someone -Summer, she remembers- is currently hugging from her back, but she was still too sleepy to try and pry the hand off of her, and besides, she actually kinda likes it for some reason

She decided to just lay in the bed as long as she felt like it, just as what she does almost everyday in her past life and a more of than not in her current life too, and besides, she could see from the window that the sun is not up yet, though there's already signs of it coming up

After an unknown amount of time has passed, she started to feel Summer stirring around slightly, though she still hasn't woken up just yet

After some unknown amount of time passes again, Summer finally woke up, she stretches her hand and stits up on the bed

"Huh?" Arcene heard Summer say as she looked around the room, probably seeing that she's on the wrong side of the room and not on her usual side before saying "Oh..."

"You're finally awake." Arcene said to the still slightly sleepy Summer who jumped at suddenly hearing her voice that seemingly came out of nowhere

"Ah!" Summer said while jumping back to the edge of the bed and would've also fallen off if not for the fact that Arcene quickly took a hold on her shirt

After that messy awakening, Summer said knowing full well that she would've done the exact same thing if the roles were reversed "Don't scare me like that..."

Arcene said nothing in return as she was amused by Summer's reaction, though she tried her best to not show it in her face, which was proving to be a bit difficult

Summer caught on to that apparently as she adopted a pouted look on her face while her eyes practically screams "I will get back at you."

Eventually, Arcene decided to just get out the room and Summer followed her

Arcene glances at Summer before entering the bathroom to wash her face, she was wary of her, knowing that Summer will take the chance to strike back when she least expects it, so she did not let her guard down for even a second

As she started pouring water to her face, she suddenly remembered something 'Didn't I wish for a power that allows me to know everything that happens around me? What happened to that? Was that just a scam...?'

But she doesn't want to jump to conclusions too fast before testing all the realistic possibilities (that she could do), and the first thing she thought of is probably the most easiest... And also probably the most cliché too...

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