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Wanda noticed the tears in Nat's eyes and pulled her closer if that was possible, causing Nat to break down in tears. Wanda held Nat as she fell onto her knees with tears streaming down her face at an incredibly fast pace. Wanda rubbed Nat's back while she cried to show someone was still there and still wanted her. Nat leaned into Wanda's embrace and felt the warmth of Wanda's hoodie that she went to bed wearing last night.

"Baby, you're okay. You did what you had to do to survive." Wanda said, rocking back and forth with Nat. Nat nodded against Wanda's chest and felt the tears start to stop until they eventually stopped leaving Nat's face slightly damp, and red. Wanda wiped away the tears that were still residing on Nat's cheeks and pulled Nat into a tight bear hug, knowing that Nat just needed comfort. Nat laid her head on Wanda's shoulder and began to drift to sleep just as the alarm went off, waking Nat who was lightly asleep but also waking Emma who was still sleeping peacefully in bed. Emma jumped from the sudden noise and felt tears swell in her eyes as she looked around for Nat and Wanda, Nat being the first to act jumped up from the floor and made her way to the bed slowly and cautiously so as to not scare the young girl. Emma looked up at the sudden noise and saw Nat making her way to the bed, Emma shot up from her spot on the bed and jumped into Nat's arms as tears began to flood down her face. Nat held Emma in her arms and started to rock her back and forth in hopes to calm the young girl's nerves. Wanda turned the alarm off and wrapped her arms around Nat and Emma bringing them both in for a much needed hug. Nat leaned into Wanda still holding Emma tightly in her arms. Emma squirmed in Nat's arms trying to get out her grip as she felt the need to use the bathroom.

"Baby stop moving, what do you need?" Nat asked, holding Emma tighter. Emma didn't answer, she just continued to squirm as the need to use the bathroom became stronger.

"Mama let go." Emma said, as she tried to peel Nat's fingers off herself. Nat loosen her fingers before wrapping her arm around Emma's waist. Emma felt warm liquid run down her leg before starting to cry. Nat was confused as to why Emma was crying before she felt warm liquid spread across her lower abdomen, Nat realized why Emma was trying to get down.

"Baby it's okay, it was an accident." Nat said getting up from the bed with Emma in her arms. Wanda went to the kitchen when Nat got up and started cooking something for the three of them to eat. Emma continued to cry as Nat placed her on the toilet and left the bathroom. Nat went into her closet and found Emma a new outfit and a diaper and underwear. Nat re-entered the bathroom and saw Emma crying and picking at her wet clothes.

"Baby I know you won't like this but we're gonna put a diaper on under your underwear. Okay baby?" Nat said, waiting for Emma to nod or reply. Emma didn't do anything showing she heard Nat, Emma looked up at Nat with the most heartbreaking look on her face. Nat walked over to Emma and crouched down next to her.

"Emma, baby it's okay you don't have to cry. It was just an accident." Nat said, rubbing her thumb on Emma's cheek to remove the tears. Emma nodded and leaned into Nat's hand, accepting the warmth. Nat helped Emma get dressed before heading out the room to grab her own clothes and getting dressed, Emma followed Nat but completely ignored Nat's question.

"Baby, where are you going?" Nat asked, only to never get a reply as Emma left the room and headed downstairs. Wanda heard light footsteps descending down the stairs and went to meet Emma at the bottom.

"Em, where's mama?" Wanda asked, only to be ignored as well. Nat came rushing down the stairs almost falling trying to locate Emma. Wanda caught Nat when she did fall in a mist of red and brought her safely down the rest of the stairs.

"Hey, did you do something to Emma? She ignored me when she came down." Wanda asked, getting defensive.

"No, I helped her change into fresh clean clothes before getting dressed myself. She ignored me as well." Nat said, confused with Wanda defensiveness.

"I'm not sure if I believe you, considering just this morning you had a nightmare about killing two men who had kids of their own. Maybe you should've listened to the kids when they called you a monster and said you didn't deserve to live. I'm gonna go find out what's wrong with Emma." Wanda said, harsely. Nat nodded as she swallowed the lump that had formed in her throat, before heading upstairs and changing into workout clothes.

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