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Emma moved around Nat’s arms trying to lay back in Nat’s arm so she’s cradling her again, Nat picked up and laid her back down. Once Emma laid back down she started pulling at Nat’s shirt trying to remove it.

“Emma baby, what is it that you want?” Nat asked, slightly confused at Emma’s actions.Emma didn't reply but continued to pull her shirt.

"Babygirl, you have to tell me what you want." Nat says, pulling Emma away from her shirt. Emma started crying again so Nat let her go back to what she was doing. Emma started to calm down while pulling on the front of Nat's shirt.

"Baby, do you want me to take my shirt off?" Nat asked. Emma nodded, Nat sat Emma on the bed and took her shirt off and locked the door. Nat sat back down and placed Emma on her lap, Emma smiled as she got what she wanted.

"Baby tell me what you wa-" Nat was cut off when Emma laid her head on her chest and started suckling on her collerbone. Nat finally realized what Emma wanted and held Emma, Nat carefully stood up and moved how she was sitting on the bed when  Emma’s suckling died down until she was fully asleep on Nat’s chest.. Nat kissed Emma's head and rocked the young girl watching her sleep before placing her on the bed and putting on a shirt. She laid back in bed and watched as Emma cuddled up to her, laying her head on Nat's chest. Nat grabbed her phone and called Wanda.
“Hey Nat what’s up?” Wanda said.

“Can you come to my room?” Nat asked.

“Of course, I’ll be there in a second.” Wanda says leaving her room.

“You are gonna need to use your powers to unlock the door.” Nat added.

“Oh why?” Wanda asked.

“Cause I locked it and can’t get up to unlock it, because Emma is asleep on me.” Nat said.

“Okay.” Wanda said and then hung up. Wanda unlocked the door and entered the room quietly to not wake Emma.

“So what did you need Nat?"
Wanda asked.

“How old are children when they stop breastfeeding?” Nat asked.
“One and a half, why?” Wanda questioned.

“Because Emma still wants to breastfeed, and I wanted to know if it was normal.” Nat said.

“For her size it is quite common for them to still breastfeed because they can’t eat solid food.” Wanda told Nat.

“Oh okay thank you.” Nat says.

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