First Time

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*A Week Later*

Nat started the supplements a few days ago but is just now ready to start breastfeeding. Emma just woke up from her nap and started pulling at Nat's shirt trying to wake her. When that didn't work Emma sat on Nat's chest.

"Mama." Emma whined.

"'ake up." Emma says, starting to bounce lightly on Nat's chest. Nat opens her eyes and smiles.

"Mama!" Emma shouted.

"Hey babes, you're happy." Nat said, moving Emma and sitting up. Emma started pulling at Nat's shirt again.

"Of' mama of'." Emma said, slightly whining.

"Alright babes." Nat said, setting Emma on the bed. Nat removed her shirt and her bra before sitting down, Emma climbed on Nat's lap and laid back in Nat's arms, Nat moved Emma into a more comfortable position before letting her latch on. Emma latched on Nat's nipple and began suckling, enjoying the warmth of the milk. Once Emma was full her eyes started getting heavier and she came unlatched. Nat laid Emma back on the bed and pulled her bra on, Nat picked Emma up and laid down, placing Emma on her chest. Emma started suckling on Nat's collarbone once again, Nat held Emma and fell into a peaceful sleep. Nat was peacefully sleeping when Emma started crying in her sleep and mumbling incoherent words.

"Mmh 'elp." Emma mumbles.

"Mama 'elp me." Emma said, Nat woke up slightly to the cries and mumbles. Nat sat up and laid Emma back on her chest.

"No 'et go. MAMA." Emma yelled, Nat sat up and started shaking the young child hoping to wake her. Emma continued screaming and eventually woke up in a panic.

"Baby it's alright, mama's here you're okay." Nat said, soothing the young girl.

"Mama." Emma said, hiding her face in Nat's shoulder still hysterical.

"It's okay baby mama's here." Nat said, in a calm tone in hope to calm the young girl down. Emma just hid her face in the crook of nat's neck while the tears kept flowing down Emma's already dark pink cheeks. Nat rubbed Emma's back until the tears became a light sniffle every couple minutes, Nat pulled Emma's face away from her neck and wiped the tears off her cheeks and kissed her forehead. Emma let out a slight whine when Nat moved her but quickly smiled when Nat kissed her forehead. Nat picked Emma up and went over to their now shared closet and grabbed Emma a different pair of pajamas and changed her. Emma let out a quiet yawn and laid her head on Nat's shoulder drifting off to sleep while suckling on her thumb, Nat let out a quiet chuckle and removed Emma's thumb from her mouth replacing it with the pacifiers Nat had pocketed when Emma woke up. Nat watched as Emma's body fully relaxed and admired the peaceful look that had placed itself on Emma's face, Nat sighed knowing she had to figure out what Emma's nightmare was about. Nat lightly shook Emma in hopes to wake up but was disappointed when it didn't work, Nat sat Emma up in her lap and kissed her head repeatedly before whispering soft nothing in her ear which to her surprise woke her up some.

"Hey babygirl I need to talk to you then you can go back sleepy." Nat said, lightly.

"Yeah mama?" Emma said, rubbing the sleep out her eyes.

"What were you dreaming about earlier, you had mama worried babes?" Nat questioned.

"'ld home mama 'cary." Emma said, with a hint of fear in her voice.

"Okay baby there's nothing to be scared of, you will never have to go back there I promise." Nat promised the young child.

"Otay mama." Emma replied, before snuggling up to Nat and closing her eyes. Nat rubbed Emma's back and watched her eyes slowly close before her breathing came to a slow steady rhythm, Nat relaxed after Emma went back to bed. Nat slowly started closing her eyes when she felt Emma suckle on her exposed neck causing Emma to sigh in relief. Nat chuckled lightly at the action but was deeply happy that Emma trusted her. Nat soon fell asleep to Emma's light breathing, Emma woke up not long after Nat went to bed and just laid on Nat before deciding she wanted to get something to eat. Emma removed herself from Nat's arms and went to the door lightly hitting it in hope to get someone's attention. Emma got the attention of the small Sokovian exiting her bedroom, Wanda went over to the door and opened it and saw Emma sitting on the floor. Emma got up and walked over to Wanda and placed her arms up, Wanda picked her up and tickled her.

"No Wan'a stop." Emma got out in between laughs.

"Well Emma, what did you want to do?" Wanda asked.

"Hun'ry." Emma said.

"Okay hun what do you want to eat?" Wanda asked, while walking downstairs.

"'ashed 'atoes." Emma tried her best to pronounce.

"Mashed potatoes?" Wanda questioned. Emma nodded and watched as Wanda walked into the kitchen. Wanda sat Emma on the counter and started getting her mashed potatoes but before she could finish Nat came in the kitchen looking worried.'

"Hey Wanda have you see-." Nat was cut off by Emma.

"Mama Wan'a giving me 'ashed 'atoes." Emma exclaimed in excitement.

"Oh baby you had me worried when I woke up, you can't just leave the room whenever you want, okay baby." Nat stated, calmly.

"Otay mama I sowwy." Emma said, walking towards the corner of the kitchen.

"Babygirl what are you doing?" Nat questioned.

"I bad I go 'imeout" Emma said, rather sad.

"No baby you weren't bad you don't have to go to timeout, come sit down Wanda finished getting your mashed potatoes." Nat told Emma while opening her arms.

"Otay mama." Emma said, sniffling. Emma walked over to Nat and climbed on her lap, Nat positioned Emma to be facing the table and handed her a spoon.

"Tank you Wan'a." Emma responded before grabbing the spoon from Nat.

"You're welcome sweetheart." Wanda said, walking into the living room. Nat helped Emma eat her mashed potatoes and greeted Bucky as he entered the kitchen.

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