Stupid Boys

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Nat grabbed another bottle and the previous bottle and headed downstairs to the kitchen, they entered the kitchen and walked over to the sink to clean the other bottle before Emma was placed on the counter closest to the fridge. Nat grabbed the milk out the fridge and filled the bottle before setting it in the microwave for a few seconds like she did earlier. Nat tested the bottle on her wrist, once she made sure it was warm enough she picked Emma back up and went back up to her room. Nat sat on the bed with the young girl and cradled her before giving her the bottle, Emma drank the milk at a calmer pace than she did earlier. Emma’s eyes started growing heavier as she continued to drink her bottle, as her eyes shut for the final time Nat took her bottle and set it on the bedside table. Nat repositioned Emma on her chest before heading to bed, as Nat slowly fell asleep Emma started to suckle on Nat’s collarbone again causing Nat to open her eyes and look down at the sleeping girl. Nat realizes she is suckling in her sleep and heads to bed knowing she’ll be fine. The two of them sleep soundlessly through the rest of the night until morning comes rolling in. Once the sun starts to rise Steve and Thor head into Nat’s room expecting her to be up and ready and are quite surprised to see her still sleeping so Thor decides to wake her.

“LADY NATASHA IT’S TIME TO WAKE UP.” Thor booms in the quiet bedroom, Nat jolts awake glaring at Thor when she hears the hysterical screams and cries coming from the child in her arms.

“Thor leave my room right now before I murder you with my bare hands.” Nat threatened the god who ran out scared of what the assassin could do. Steve also followed Thor out not wanting to cause anymore issues.

“Hey babygirl, it’s okay I’m here can you calm down for me babes?” Nat asked, lightly rocking the child. Emma nodded trying to slow her breathing but failed miserably.

“Babygirl follow mama’s breathing.” Nat said, redirecting Emma’s focus. Emma nodded and started attempting to follow what Nat was doing, when Emma couldn’t follow along with Nat she panicked even more. Nat noticed and tried something else in hopes it worked.

“Rose, can you blow on my face like this.” Nat said, blowing on Emma’s face lightly. Emma attempted and eventually got it and blew on Nat’s face while giggling. Nat smiled and sat up while picking Emma and the bottle up before heading downstairs. Nat ignores everyone and headed straight into the kitchen. Nat made Emma’s bottles and headed into the living room sitting next to Wanda. Nat started to feed Emma, after Emma finished her bottle Nat brought her upstairs and changed her clothes and put her in a diaper then brought her back downstairs.

“Baby Wanda is gonna watch you for a bit okay?” Nat asked.

“Otay mama.” Emma said, nuzzling into Nat. Nat placed Emma on Wanda’s lap before heading back upstairs, when Nat returns she is in workout clothes and has some toys for Emma. Nat handed Wanda the toys and headed out towards the training room.

“Okay sweetheart what do you want to do?” Wanda asked.

“Uhh s’eep?” Emma asked.

“Of course lets go.” Wanda said, picking Emma up. They went upstairs to Wanda’s room and laid down, Wanda held Emma as she fell asleep on Wanda’s stomach. Three hours later Nat returns from the training room and can't find Wanda or Emma.

“F.R.I.D.A.Y where’s Wanda?” Nat asked the AI.

“Miss Maximoff is in her room.”
The AI returned. Nat headed up to Wanda’s room and finds her reading with a sleeping Emma on her stomach.

“Hey Wands.” Nat says walking towards the bed.

“Hey Nat, how was training?” Wanda asked.

“It was great.” Nat said, picking Emma up. Emma laid her head on Nat’s shoulder and started suckling her collarbone.
“Does she always suckle your collarbone when she sleeps?” Wanda asked.

“Yeah, but normally she pulls at my shirt trying to remove it,”Nat says.

“You should look into supplements for breastfeeding then, because that usually means they would rather breastfeed than get a bottle.” Wanda explains.

“Okay I’ll look into it.” Nat said, leaving Wanda’s room. Nat entered her room and placed Emma on the bed. Emma whined at the loss of Nat’s collarbone so Nat quickly changed out her workout gear and left a shirt next to Emma before cradling her. Emma latched onto Nat’s skin and started suckling. Nat watched Emma’s peaceful face as she slept, around lunchtime Nat woke Emma up to eat.

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